CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Steamboat Queen

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Niels Poulsen (DK) - August 2023
Riverboat Queen - The Refreshments
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Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music. App. 19 secs. into track. Start with weight on L foot

[1 – 8] R diagonal stomp, L swivels, L diagonal stomp, R swivels, K-step with claps 
1&2&Stomp R fwd into R diagonal (1), swivel L heel towards R foot (&), swivel L toes towards R foot (2), swivel L heel close to R foot (&) 12:00
3&4&Stomp L fwd into L diagonal (3), swivel R heel towards L foot (&), swivel R toes towards L foot (4), swivel R heel close to L foot (&) 12:00
5&6&Step R fwd into R diagonal (5), touch L next to R and clap hands (&), step L back to centre (6), touch R next to L and clap hands (&) 12:00
7&8&Step R back into R diagonal (7), touch L next to R and clap hands (&), step L fwd to centre (8), touch R next to L and clap hands (&) 12:00

[9 – 16] Step ¼ cross, L side rock cross, R vine cross, R side rock cross
1&2Step R fwd (1), turn ¼ L onto L (&), cross R over L (2) 9:00
3&4Rock L to L side (3), recover on R (&), cross L over R (4) 9:00
5&6&Step R to R side (5), cross L behind R (&), step R to R side (6), cross L over R (&) 9:00
7&8Rock R to R side (7), recover on L (&), cross R over L (8) 9:00

[17 – 24] L vine cross, L side rock, recover ¼ R, fwd L, Monterey ¼ R, R side rock cross
1&2&Step L to L side (1), cross R behind L (&), step L to L side (2), cross R over L (&) 9:00
3&4Rock L to L side (3), turn ¼ R when recovering onto R (&), step L fwd (4) 12:00
5&6&Point R to R side (5), turn ¼ R on L and step R next to L (&), point L to L side (6), step L next to R (&) 3:00
7&8Rock R to R side (7), recover on L (&), cross R over L (8) 3:00

[25 – 32] L rumba box, L coaster step, R mambo ¼ R, cross
1&2Step L to L side (1), step R next to L (&), step L fwd (2) 3:00
3&4Step R to R side (3), step L next to R (&), step back on R (4) 3:00
5&6Step back on L (5), step R next to L (&), step L fwd (6) 3:00
7&8&Rock R fwd (7), recover back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (8), cross L over R (&) 6:00

Start Again!

Ending Wall 9 is your last wall. It starts facing 12:00. Do up to count 6&. Then step back on R 12:00

2023 2 SEP 1 13 NOV '23 100


Clément September 3, 2023
step counts are wrong !!!
it's a dance with 64 counts !
The counts as described do not match the bpm of the song.

Kato September 7, 2023
Tend to agree with Clement but either way 32 or 64 counts it’s a strong beat so just following the beat gives the timing thank goodness.

Clément September 11, 2023
Yes, but teaching this dance with "&" is not correct

Ladys September 25, 2023
I am going to teach it with 64 counts :)

Dancin" Donna September 26, 2023
And this dance is #1?

Clément September 28, 2023
The strangest thing is all the instructors who teach this dance with "&". 🤣
They follow the instructions of the choreographer and have not listened to music at all 😡

Dawny January 22, 2024
I danced this Friday night. Love the catchy track and dance.

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