CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hold on Darlin'

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Rose Sullivan (USA) - July 2023
A Matter Of Time - Jason Sellers
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Intro: 16 counts
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[1 - 8] Walk R, L, Shuffle Forward R, L, R, ½ Turn Pivot R, Shuffle Forward L, R, L
1,2Step R foot forward, Step L foot Forward
3&4Step R foot forward, close L foot beside R, step R foot forward
5,6Step L foot forward, Make ½ pivot turn over R shoulder taking weight on R foot
7&8Step L foot forward, close R foot beside L foot, step L foot forward

[9 - 16] Lindy R, Lindy L with a ¼ Turn R
1&2Step R foot to the side, close L foot beside R, step R foot to the side
3,4Rock back onto L foot, Recover by returning your weight onto R foot
5&6While making a ¼ turn to the right, Step L foot to the L, close R foot beside L, step L foot back
7,8Rock back onto R foot, Recover by returning your weight onto L foot

[17 – 24] Step R Forward, Point L, Step L Forward, Point R, Sway R Touch L, Sway L Touch R
1,2Step R foot forward, point L foot out to the side
3,4Step L foot forward, point R foot out to the side
5,6Transfer your weight to the right foot as you sway to the right, touch your L foot next to R foot
7,8Step to the L as you sway to the left, touch your R foot next to L foot

[25 – 32] Forward Rock Recover Right, R Coaster Step, L Heel Grind ¼ Turn L, L Coaster Step
1,2Rock forward onto your R foot, Recover by returning your weight to your L foot
3&4Step your R foot back, step your L foot back next to your R foot, step your R foot forward
5,6Step your L Heel next to your R foot keeping toes up, Turn your L foot and body ¼ turn to the L
7&8Step your L foot back, step your R foot back next to your L foot, step your L foot forward

Have fun on the dance floor!


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