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Like I Love Country Music

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Beginner / Improver
Tyler Newman (USA) - July 2023
Like I Love Country Music - Kane Brown
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First 8 Counts: Wight on the Left, Dance starts at Lyrics
1-4[12:00] R heel, R heel, R point to R side, R flick behind L leg
5-8(¼ turn to right) [3:00] Triple RLR, Step L, pivot (½ turn) [9:00]

#2nd 8 Counts:
9-12[9:00] Triple LRL, step R, pivot (½ turn) [3:00]
13-16[3:00] Hop forward RL, Hop back RL

#3rd 8 Counts:
17-20[3:00] R kick, R kick, R Coaster step ( R step back L together, R step forward)
21-24[3:00] L kick, L kick, L Coaster step ( L step back R together, L step forward)

#4th 8 Counts:
25-28[3:00] R rock forward, Recover L, R rock back, Recover L
29-32[3:00] R step, pivot (½ turn) [9:00] R step, pivot (½ turn) [3:00]

Last 8 Counts:
33-36[3:00] R lock step forward at slight diagonal (R step, L step behind right, R step forward), Lscuff, L lock step forward at slight diagonal (L step, R step behind right, L step forward), R touch together *This happens everytime you hear “I love you like I love country music”*
37-40[3:00] R turning grapevine (R out ¼ turn, L forward ¼ turn, R behind ½ turn, L touch together), L turning grapevine (L out ¼ turn, R forward ¼ turn, L behind ½ turn, R touch together) *can substitute for regular grapevines*

Tag 1: At the end of Wall 5 right after “needle dropping on a vinyl” there is a 2 count tag.
R cross over L, L step back. Then start over. *Can do two hip bumps as well, just end with weight on the Left*

Tag 2: at the end of wall 6 you repeat the last 8 counts starting with the Lock steps

*Music has an instrumental 8 cts after wall 6, you can either end there or wait for the “one two, one two three woo” and start again, and just dance till music fades out*


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