CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Something or Nothing

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Debz Rosser (UK) - July 2023
Something or Nothing - Balsamo Collins Riley
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Intro 16 Counts

Sec 1 Step, Touch, Kick Ball Step, Rock Recover, ½ turn shuffle
1,2Step forward R, Touch L toe next to R
3&4Kick L forward, step onto toe of L, step forward R
5, 6Rock forward onto L, recover onto R
7&8Turning ¼ left on L, R next to L turning ¼ left on L (6.00)

Sec 2 Step ¼ turn L, Cross shuffle, Hinge step, point front, point side
1,2Step forward on R, make ¼ turn L stepping L to L side (3.00)
3&4Cross R over L, step L beside R, Cross R over L
5,6Turn ¼ turn R stepping back onto L foot, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (9.00)
7, 8Point L forward, point L to L side (weight remains on R)
Restart 1 here on walls 3 (3.00) and 8 (9.00)
Change the point to L (count 8) to a step to L to be able to start on R foot

Sec 3 L sailor step, R sailor ¼ turn, step forward, ½ turn R, L shuffle
1&2Swing L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side
3&4Swing R behind L, turn ¼ R stepping L to L side, step R to R side (12.00)
5, 6Step forward on L, turn ½ right onto R
7 & 8Step forward L, step R next to L, step forward L
Restart 2 here on wall 5 (6.00) and wall 10 (12.00)

Sec 4 Out, out, coaster, toe strut ¼, ball step, scuff
1, 2Step R forward and slightly to R, step L forwards slightly to L
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, step forwards on R
5, 6Touch L toes forwards then turn ¼ to R dropping L heel taking weight on L (9.00)
&7, 8Take weight onto ball of R, step forwards L, scuff R


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