CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Smiling Hips

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High Improver
Stacy Guerrero (USA) - June 2023
I Feel Like Dancing - Jason Mraz
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Begin after 16 counts - No Tags, No restarts

Diagonal Step Lock, Triple Lock Step, Rock, Recover, ¼ L shuffle
1,2RF step, lock LF behind R (1:30)
3&4Triple locking step RLR
5,6Rock LF forward diagonal (1:30), recover R
7&8¼ L turn shuffle LRL to 9:00

Tap R, Flick, Cross Samba, Tap L, Flick, Step back LF ¼ R, Kick R, Step back R
1,2Touch RF beside L, Flick RF (9:00)
3&4RF cross over LF, LF step side L, RF step side R
5,6Touch LF beside R, Flick L
7&8Step LF back and ¼ turn R (12:00)(7), kick RF forward(&), step back RF(8)

Hip” Hike & Bumps”* 4X ¼ R, Heel Jack, Cross, Unwind ¾ L
&1&2&3&4hip “Hike and Bumps”* while turning ¼ R, weight stays on RF (3:00)
5&6&step LF over RF (5), side on RF (&), L heel tap out (6), replace weigh on L(&)
7,8cross RF over L (7), unwind ¾ L (8) (6:00)

Vine R with a Heel Jack, Step L, Cross behind, Diagonal rock replace, Coaster Step
1,2Step RF to R, cross LF behind R,
&3&4Step back on RF (&), L heel tap out (3), replace weigh on L(&), step RF cross over L (4)
5,6diagonal Step/rock LF to 4:30, replace weight RF
7&8Step LF back, RF step next to L, step LF forward, square up to 6:00

(start back wall to 7:30)

Dance will naturally bring you to 12:00 for end of dance

Optional fun step changes:
-Last 8 counts of wall 6 (facing 12:00): rock hips R 1,2, rock hips L 3,4, hip circle 5-8, the words say, “smile with your hips”
-Last 4 counts of wall 8: follow the musical cue to “freeze”, with a pose.
-Wall 9 counts 1-24: freestyle, to 6:00, then follow instructions above for wall 6: “smile with your hips” for counts 25-32.

*Hike & Bumps- weight is on RF, toe of LF touches the floor. On the “&” counts L hip lifts, on the full count R hip bumps, causing the L hip to lower. The feet move very little, and weight remains on RF throughout. Hips and torso make the ¼ turn R.


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