Section 1 - Vine to R, side, touch, side, touch
1 2 3 4Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8Step L to side, touch R next to L, step R to side, touch L next to R
Section 2 - Vine to L, side, touch, side, touch
1 2 3 4step L to side, step R behind, step L to side, touch R next to L
5 6 7 8Step R to side, touch L next to R, step L to side, touch R next to L
Section 3 - Heel touch fwd RL, Monterey 1/4
1 2 3 4R Heel touch fwd, step R next to L, L heel touch fwd, step L next to R
5 6R point to side, make 1/4 turn R stepping R next to L
7 8L point to side, step L next to R
Section 4 - Toe touch to side / hip bumping 4 times
1 2R toe touch to side / pushing hips upward, down
3 4Push hips upward, down
5 6Push hips upward, down
7 8Push hips upward, down
*** Restarts
Wall 3 & 8 dance up to 20 count (6:00)
*** Tag : 8 count (3:00)
At the end of wall 11
1 2 3 4Step R to side, touch, step L to side, touch
5 6 7 8Step R to side, touch, step L to side, touch
1 2 3 4Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8Step L to side, touch R next to L, step R to side, touch L next to R
Section 2 - Vine to L, side, touch, side, touch
1 2 3 4step L to side, step R behind, step L to side, touch R next to L
5 6 7 8Step R to side, touch L next to R, step L to side, touch R next to L
Section 3 - Heel touch fwd RL, Monterey 1/4
1 2 3 4R Heel touch fwd, step R next to L, L heel touch fwd, step L next to R
5 6R point to side, make 1/4 turn R stepping R next to L
7 8L point to side, step L next to R
Section 4 - Toe touch to side / hip bumping 4 times
1 2R toe touch to side / pushing hips upward, down
3 4Push hips upward, down
5 6Push hips upward, down
7 8Push hips upward, down
*** Restarts
Wall 3 & 8 dance up to 20 count (6:00)
*** Tag : 8 count (3:00)
At the end of wall 11
1 2 3 4Step R to side, touch, step L to side, touch
5 6 7 8Step R to side, touch, step L to side, touch