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Excuse Me Mr. DJ

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Adrian Lefebour (AUS) - July 2023
Further Up (Na, Na, Na, Na, Na) - Static & Ben El & Pitbull
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#8 count intro from the start of the song

[1-8] Side, Rock/Recover, Side, Rock/Recover, 1/2 Pivot, Together, 1/2 Pivot Together
1,2&Step R to R side, Rock L Back, Replace weight fwd on R
3,4&Step L to L side, Rock R back, Replace weight fwd on L
5,6&Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot turn L, Step R next to L (weight on R)
7,8&Step L fwd, 1/2 Pivot turn R, Step L next to R (weight on L)

[9-16] Back Lock Back x2, Rock Back, Recover, Walk Fwd x2
1,2&Step R back, Drag L towards R then step L across R, Step R back
3,4&Step L back, Drag R towards L then step R across L, Step L back
5,6,7,8Rock R back, Recover weight fwd on L, Walk R fwd, Walk L fwd TAG/RESTART

[17-24] Step Side, Touch Back, Step Side, Touch Back, 1/4 Turn Side, Touch Back, Side Shuffle
1,2Step R to R side (swing R arm up in front of you to 1.00), Touch L slightly behind R (Swing R arm down to 5.00)
3,4Step L to L side (Swing R arm up in front of you to 1.00), Touch R slightly behind L (Swing R arm down to 5.00)
5,61/4 Turn L step R to R side (swing R arm up in front of you to 12) (9.00), Touch L slightly behind R (Swing R arm down)
7&8Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side (L side shuffle)

[25-32] 1/4 Coaster Step, Lock Shuffle Fwd, Touch Side, Together, Touch Side, Together, Step Back/Drag, Together
1&21/4 Turn R step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd (12.00)
3&4Step L fwd, Lock step R behind L, Step L fwd
5&6&Touch R toe to R side, Step R next to L, Touch L toe to L side, Step L next to R (weight on L)
7,8Step R back as you drag L towards R, Step L next to R (weight on L)

[33-40] 1/8 Samba, 1/4 Samba, 1/8 Samba, Cross Rock, Side Rock
1&2Cross/step R over L, Step L slightly to L turning 1/8 turn R, Step R back (1.30)
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to R turning 1/4 turn R, Step L forward (4.30)
5&6Cross/step R over L, Step L slightly to L turning 1/8 turn R, Step R to R side (6.00)
7&8&Cross rock L over R, Recover weight on R, Rock L to L side, Recover weight on R

[41-48] Behind, Side, Cross, 1/8 Side, Together, Pop Heels, Cross, Side, Behind, 1/4 Turn, Together, Pop Heels
1&2&Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R, 1/8 turn L step R to R side (4.30)
3&4Step L next to R, Lift both heels up, Drop heels down
5&6&Step R over L (straighten up to 6.00), Step L to L side, Step R behind L, 1/4 turn L Step L fwd (3.00)
7&8Step R next to L, Lift both heels up, Drop heels down

[49-56] Kick Fwd, Together, Touch Side x2, 1/4 Kick Fwd, Together, Touch Side, Together, Cross Step, Pop Heels
1&2Kick R fwd, Step R next to L, Touch L toe to L side
3&4Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Touch R toe to R side
5&61/4 turn R Kick R fwd, Step R to centre, Touch L toe to L side (6.00)
&7&8Step L next to R, Step R across/front of L, Lift both heels up, Drop both heels down (weight on R)

[57-64] Rock Side, Recover, Step Across x2, Step Back, Together, Shuffle Fwd
1&2Rock L to L side, Recover weight on R, Step L across R
3&4Rock R to R side, Recover weight on L, Step R across L
5,6Step L back, Step R next to L
7&8Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd (L Shuffle fwd)

Start Again!

Tag/Restart: During the second wall. Dance to count 14, then do a 1/2 Pivot Turn L and restart the dance to the 12 o’clock wall.

Ending: During the 5th wall, dance to count 32, then stomp R fwd to finish at the front wall.

Adrian Lefebour -

Last Update - 24 July 2023


Haggis July 11, 2023
Great Dance Adrian 👏👏👏👏

Lam July 11, 2023

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