High Beginner
Tag and restart at the END of wall 2,5,8: Rocking chair step
1-2After the V step, rock forward on the right foot, recover on the left
3-4Rock back on the right foot and recover on the left foot and start the dance again
Section 1: rock, recover, coaster step x 2
1-2Rock forward on the right foot, recover weight on the left foot
3 and 4: Step right foot back, step left foot back next to right foot, step right foot forward.
5-6Rock forward on the left foot, recover weight on the right foot
7 and 8: Step left foot back, step right foot back next to left foot, step left foot forward.
Section 2: Weave left making a quarter turn left, step half turn, quarter turn chasse left
1- 4Cross right foot over the front of left, step left to the left side, Step right foot behind left, Step left to left side as you make a quarter turn left to 9 o’clock
5-6Step forward on to right foot and make a half pivot turn over left shoulder taking the weight on to the left foot.
7 and 8: Step forward on the right foot as you make a quarter turn to 12 o’clock, step left next to right foot, step right with right foot
Section 3: Rock behind, recover, kickball cross, step together, kickball cross
1-2Rock back on the left foot behind the right, recover on the right foot.
3 and 4: kick the left foot forward, step the left foot down and cross the right foot over the left foot.
5-6Step left foot to left side, touch the right foot toe next to left foot
7 and 8: kick the right foot forward, step the right foot down and cross the left foot over the right foot
Section 3: Grapevine quarter, shuffle steps forward, V step
1-2step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot
3 and 4: Step on to the right foot as you make a quarter turn to 3 o’clock, bring left foot slightly forward behind the right foot, step right foot slightly forward
5-6Step left foot forward and out slightly to a angle, step right foot forward and out slightly to an angle
7-8Step back on the left foot, Touch the right foot toe next to the left foot.
Last Update: 29 Jun 2023
1-2After the V step, rock forward on the right foot, recover on the left
3-4Rock back on the right foot and recover on the left foot and start the dance again
Section 1: rock, recover, coaster step x 2
1-2Rock forward on the right foot, recover weight on the left foot
3 and 4: Step right foot back, step left foot back next to right foot, step right foot forward.
5-6Rock forward on the left foot, recover weight on the right foot
7 and 8: Step left foot back, step right foot back next to left foot, step left foot forward.
Section 2: Weave left making a quarter turn left, step half turn, quarter turn chasse left
1- 4Cross right foot over the front of left, step left to the left side, Step right foot behind left, Step left to left side as you make a quarter turn left to 9 o’clock
5-6Step forward on to right foot and make a half pivot turn over left shoulder taking the weight on to the left foot.
7 and 8: Step forward on the right foot as you make a quarter turn to 12 o’clock, step left next to right foot, step right with right foot
Section 3: Rock behind, recover, kickball cross, step together, kickball cross
1-2Rock back on the left foot behind the right, recover on the right foot.
3 and 4: kick the left foot forward, step the left foot down and cross the right foot over the left foot.
5-6Step left foot to left side, touch the right foot toe next to left foot
7 and 8: kick the right foot forward, step the right foot down and cross the left foot over the right foot
Section 3: Grapevine quarter, shuffle steps forward, V step
1-2step right foot to right side, step left foot behind right foot
3 and 4: Step on to the right foot as you make a quarter turn to 3 o’clock, bring left foot slightly forward behind the right foot, step right foot slightly forward
5-6Step left foot forward and out slightly to a angle, step right foot forward and out slightly to an angle
7-8Step back on the left foot, Touch the right foot toe next to the left foot.
Last Update: 29 Jun 2023