High Beginner/Improver
Intro: Starts after 12 counts
2 Prissy Walks (turn toe in), kickball Change twice
1,2,3,4Step forward on right and hold, and out Step forward on left and hold
5&6,7&8Kick right foot forward, step on right, step on left, repeat
Cross Unwind, 2 Hips Right, Cross Toe-Heel, Step back Toe-Heel
1,2,3&4Cross Right over left, half turn left, 2 hips right, shift weight to left
&5,6,7,8Cross right over left, toe heel, step back on left, toe heel
Shuffle Right, touch ½ turn, Cross unwind ½ turn, Cross and Shuffle
1&2,3,4Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right side, touch left across behind right ½ turn left
5,6,7&8Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left, cross right over left, shuffle to the left
Side Rock Return , Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, 2 Hip Circles
1,2,3&4Step left foot to left, return on right, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across it.
5,6,7,8Step right to right, return on left, circle hops right, left, weight on left
No Tags, No restarts!
Enjoy! See you on the dance floor!
Last Update: 24 Feb 2024
2 Prissy Walks (turn toe in), kickball Change twice
1,2,3,4Step forward on right and hold, and out Step forward on left and hold
5&6,7&8Kick right foot forward, step on right, step on left, repeat
Cross Unwind, 2 Hips Right, Cross Toe-Heel, Step back Toe-Heel
1,2,3&4Cross Right over left, half turn left, 2 hips right, shift weight to left
&5,6,7,8Cross right over left, toe heel, step back on left, toe heel
Shuffle Right, touch ½ turn, Cross unwind ½ turn, Cross and Shuffle
1&2,3,4Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right side, touch left across behind right ½ turn left
5,6,7&8Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left, cross right over left, shuffle to the left
Side Rock Return , Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, 2 Hip Circles
1,2,3&4Step left foot to left, return on right, step left behind right, step right to right side, step left across it.
5,6,7,8Step right to right, return on left, circle hops right, left, weight on left
No Tags, No restarts!
Enjoy! See you on the dance floor!
Last Update: 24 Feb 2024