CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Last Hurrah

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Roy Hadisubroto (IRE), Fiona Murray (IRE), Simon Ward (AUS) & Maddison Glover (AUS) - May 2023
Praising You (feat. Fatboy Slim) - Rita Ora : (Album: You & I)
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TAG: 4 count tag after count 32 on Wall 4
Intro: 32 counts from start of music, Ending: Strike a pose on count 1


[1-8] Rock L side, Recover R, ¼ L Flick R, R lock/step, L fwd, Pivot ¾ R
1-3Rock/step left to left side throwing arms out to both sides palms facing down, Recover weight onto right placing hands behind head, Turn ¼ turn left stepping onto left flicking right foot back & throwing both hands out 9.00
4&5Step right forward, Lock/step left behind right, Step right forward 9.00
6-7Step left forward, Pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right 3.00
8Make a further ¼ turn right & step left to left side 6.00

[9-16] R behind L, L side, R lock/step, Press L fwd, Recover R, Step on L, R fwd, Pivot ½ L weight on R
1-2Step right behind left, Step left to left side 6.00
3&4Turn 1/8 left stepping right forward, Lock/step left behind right, Step right forward 4.30
5-6Press left forward, Recover weight back onto right 4.30
&7-8Step left beside right, Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn left keeping weight on right (sit into weight) 10.30

[17-24] Rock L fwd, Recover R, L lock/step, R jazz-box
1-2Rock/step left forward pushing hands up & forward, Recover weight back onto right bringing hands down & across body looking down to the right 10.30
3&4Step left forward, Lock/step right behind left, Step left forward 10.30
5-6Cross/step right over left turning 1/8 right to 12.00 wall, Step left back 12.00
7-8Step right to right side, Cross/step left over right 12.00

[25-32] Point R, Hold, R beside L, Point L, L beside R, Point R, Cross R unwind 7/8 turn L
1-2Point right toe to right side, Hold 12.00
&3&4Step right beside left, Point left to left side, Step left beside right, Point right to right side 12.00
5-8Cross/step ball of right foot over left (bend knees), Slowly unwind 7/8 turn left keeping weight on left to 1.30

[33-40] Step fwd R,L, R lock/step fwd, L fwd, Pivot ½ R, Turning ½ turn R & shuffle left back
1-2Step right forward, Step left forward 1.30
3&4Step right forward, Lock/step left behind right, Step right forward 1.30
5-6Step left forward, Pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right 7.30
7&8Make a further ½ turn right & step left back, Cross/step right over left, Step left back 1.30

[41-48] Step R back, L side, R Cross/chasse, Step L, Hold, Step R beside L, Step L, Touch R behind L
1-2Step back on right, Step left to left side turning 1/8 left to 12.00
3&4Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side, Cross/step right over left 12.00
5-6Step left to left side, Hold (snap fingers out to side on count 5) 12.00
&7-8Step right beside left, Step left to left side, Touch right toe behind left looking slightly left 12.00

[49-56] 1 ¼ turn right & shuffle R fwd, Rock L fwd, Recover R w/sweep, Weave R
1-2Step right to right side turning ¼ right, Make a further ½ turn right stepping left back 9.00
3&4Make a further ½ turn right stepping right forward, Step left beside right, Step right forward 3.00
5-6Rock/step left forward, Recover weight back on right sweeping left foot back 3.00
7&8Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross/step left over right 3.00

[57-64] Walkabout turning ¾ turn R, Rock R fwd, Recover L, R coaster step cross L
1-4Walk right, left, right, left making a ¾ turn right to 12.00 (raising both hands slowly up in front of you, palms facing up)
5-6Rock/step right forward, Recover weight onto left 12.00
7&8Step right back, Step left beside right, Cross/step right over left 12.00

Start Again

Tag: On wall 5 after count 32 facing 12.00,
1-2Step right to right side to 12.00 tapping right heel for two counts pushing right shoulder forward and back.
3-4Step onto right and push right shoulder forward, Flick

Last Update - 2 July 2023-R1

2023 19 MAY 1 3 JUN '23 100


dancer33 May 16, 2023
Well one word.......Fab-u-lous x

djsparkle May 25, 2023
Love it love it love it. Taught 2 wks ago & classes love it too!

peanuts May 25, 2023
What is the level of this dance? Not on step sheets.. intermediate???

prbruce57 June 4, 2023
I taught to Wednesday morning and Thursday evening classes. I absolutley love everything about this dance - Line Dance With Pam - Gurnesey ❤️❤️❤️

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