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Sunshine Again

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Tobias Jentzsch (DE) - May 2023
Do It Again - Ray Dalton
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The dance starts after 16 Counts.

S1: cross, side, sailor step, cross, side, sailor-1/4-turn l (9:00)
1-2cross RF over LF, step LF to left
3&4step RF behind LF, small step LF to left, small step RF to right
5-6cross LF over RF, step RF to right
7&8step LF behind RF, ¼-turn left while stepping RF a small step to right (9:00), small step LF fwd

S2: rock recover, triple-3/4-turn r (6:00), cross, side, behind-side-cross
1-2rock RF fwd, recover on LF
3&4step RF to right while turning ¼-turn r, close LF while turning ¼-turn r, step RF to right while turning ¼-turn r (6:00)
5-6cross LF over RF, step RF to right
7&8step LF behind RF, step RF to right, cross LF over RF

S3: side rock, back rock, 1/4-turn l, ½-turn l, step-1/2- turn l
1-2rock RF to right, recover on LF
3-4rock RF back, recover on LF
5-6make a ¼-turn l while stepping RF back (3:00), make a ½-turn l while stepping LF fwd (9:00)
7-8step RF fwd, ½-tunr l on both feet (3:00)

S4: shuffle r forward, ½-turn r, ½-turn r, rock recover, coaster step
1&2step RF fwd, close LF next to RF, step RF fwd
3-4make a ½-turn r while stepping LF back, make a ½-turn r while stepping RF fwd (3:00)
5-6rock LF fwd, recover on RF
(Ending: In wall 6 on 9 o‘clock break here and dance the ending.)
7&8step LF back, close RF next to LF, step LF fwd

S5: ¼ turn l, close, chassé r, cross, back, chassé l
1-2make a 1/4-turn l while stepping RF to right (12:00), close LF next to RF
3&4step RF to right, close LF next to RF, step RF to right
5-6cross LF over RF, step RF back
7&8step LF to left, close RF next to LF, step LF to left

S6: cross, hold, side-behind, hold, side-cross, unwind-1/2 turn r, kick-ball-cross
1-2cross LF over RF, hold
&3-4small step LF to left, step RF behind LF, hold
&5-6small step LF to left, cross RF over LF, ½-turn l on both feet (6:00) (end with weight on LF)
7&8kick RF fwd, close RF next to LF, cross LF over RF

S7: side, touch, kick-ball-cross, ¼-turn l, ½-turn l, walk back 2x
1-2step RF to right, touch LF next to RF
3&4kick LF fwd, close LF next to RF, cross Rf over LF
5-6¼-turn l while stepping LF fwd (3:00), ½-tunr l while stepping RF back (9:00)
7-8walk back LF + RF

S8: out-out, back, back rock, kick-ball-step, step-1/4-turn l
&1-2step LF + RF diagonally back, step LF back
3-4rock RF back, recover on LF
5&6kick RF fwd, close RF next to LF, step LF fwd
7-8step RF fwd, ¼-turn l on both feet (6:00) (end with weight on LF)

Ending: In wall 6 on 9 o‘clock in S4 break after count 6 and dance:
step-1/4 turn r, cross-chassé, side, hold
1-2step LF fwd, ¼-turn r on both feet (12:00)
3&4cross LF over RF, step RF to right, cross LF over RF
5-6step RF to right, hold

Wiederholung bis zum Ende.


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