CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Mark Simpkin (AUS) - April 2023
For the NSW Ronald McDonald Charity Line Dance Ball 2023

Intro 16 counts on lyrics

#TAG: 1 count Tag after 28 counts on wall 3 facing 6.00 – (Recover/sway L)and Restart

R Fwd, L Fwd, 1/2 R Pivot, Full Turn R, Fwd L Coaster Sweep, R Behind, 1/4 L Fwd, R Fwd, L 1/2 Lock, R Back, L Beside R
1 2&Step R forward, Step L forward, 1/2 R pivot (6.00)
3&Turn a 1/2 turn R stepping L back, Turn a 1/2 turn R stepping R forward (full turn)
4&5Step L forward, Step R beside L, Step L back sweeping R foot to R side
6& 7Step R behind L, Turn 1/4 L Stepping L forward, Step R forward (3.00)
&8&Turn 1/2 L lock stepping L over R, Step R back, L beside R (9.00)

R Fwd, L Scissor Cross, Ball Step 1/4 L Stepping L Fwd, Ball Step 1/2 R, Recover R Fwd, Weave, 1/4 R Fwd
1 2&3Step R forward across L, Step L to L side, R beside L, Cross L over R (scissor)
&4Step R beside L, 1/4 L step fwd L (ball step) (6.00)
&5 6Turn 1/2 L Step R together, Rock L back, Recover forward R sweep L around (12.00)
7&8&Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Turn 1/4 R stepping R forward (3.00)

L Fwd, 1/2 R Pivot, 1/2 R on L Back, Step R Back, Cross L Lock, R Back, Tog, Cross Rock R, Recover L, 1/4 R Sailor Step, Ball Step, R Fwd
1 2&Step L forward, 1/2 R pivot, Turn 1/2 R stepping L together
3&4&Step R back, Cross lock L over R, R back, L beside R
5 6Cross rock R over L, Recover L sweeping R around
7&8 as you turn 1/4 R, Step R behind L, Step L tog, Step R forward (1/4 R sailor step) (6.00)
&1Step L beside R, Step R forward (ball step)

Recover L Back, Behind, Side, Cross, Beside L, Recover R, L Sailor, R Back Coaster
2 3&4Recover back, L sweeping R around, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
&5Step L beside L, Step R to R side R # tag (Recover/sway L)
6&7Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L to L side (sailor step)
8&Step R back, Step L beside R

Ending. Facing 12.00 dance to count 6& then 1/4 L stepping R to R side for count 7.! You’re Welcome!

Mark Simpkin – Southern Cross Line Dancers – M 0418 440 402
YouTube – Southern Cross Linedancers


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