Intro 32 Counts
1 Restart - Wall 4 after 16 counts
[1-8] (Right) Scuff, Stomp, Heel Taps, (Left) Scuff, Stomp, Heel Taps
1-2Scuff R foot & Stomp R foot
3&4R Heel tap 3X
5-6Scuff L foot & Stomp L foot
7&8L Heel tap 3X
[9-16] Sailor step, Sailor step, ½ Turn L, ½ Turn L
1&2Sailor step R behind, L side, R fwd
3&4Sailor step L behind, R side, L fwd
5-6Step R foot fwd, ½ Turn L (weight on L)
7-8Step R foot fwd, ½ Turn L (weight on L)
(Restart here – Wall 4)
[17-24] Weave R, Vine L w/ ¼ Turn L (Option: Rolling Vine)
1-2Step R foot to R side, Cross L foot behind R
&3-4Step R foot to R side, Cross L foot over R, Step R foot to R side
5-6Step L foot to L side, Cross R foot behind L
7-8Step L foot to L side w/ ¼ Turn L, Scuff R foot fwd
[25-32] Rock, Recover ½ Turn R, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2Rock fwd R foot, Recover ½ Turn R
3&4Shuffle step R L R
5-6Rock fwd L foot, Recover on R
7&8Coaster step L R L
Choreographed March 2023 by Kira Minnoe
Last Update: 28 Mar 2023
1 Restart - Wall 4 after 16 counts
[1-8] (Right) Scuff, Stomp, Heel Taps, (Left) Scuff, Stomp, Heel Taps
1-2Scuff R foot & Stomp R foot
3&4R Heel tap 3X
5-6Scuff L foot & Stomp L foot
7&8L Heel tap 3X
[9-16] Sailor step, Sailor step, ½ Turn L, ½ Turn L
1&2Sailor step R behind, L side, R fwd
3&4Sailor step L behind, R side, L fwd
5-6Step R foot fwd, ½ Turn L (weight on L)
7-8Step R foot fwd, ½ Turn L (weight on L)
(Restart here – Wall 4)
[17-24] Weave R, Vine L w/ ¼ Turn L (Option: Rolling Vine)
1-2Step R foot to R side, Cross L foot behind R
&3-4Step R foot to R side, Cross L foot over R, Step R foot to R side
5-6Step L foot to L side, Cross R foot behind L
7-8Step L foot to L side w/ ¼ Turn L, Scuff R foot fwd
[25-32] Rock, Recover ½ Turn R, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2Rock fwd R foot, Recover ½ Turn R
3&4Shuffle step R L R
5-6Rock fwd L foot, Recover on R
7&8Coaster step L R L
Choreographed March 2023 by Kira Minnoe
Last Update: 28 Mar 2023