CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kang Thong Thien

( 7 Votes)
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Easy Intermediate
Raymond Robinson (INA) - February 2023
Start on the Lyric

Section 1 (1-8): Step R side, Step L behind, step forward with ¼ R, step forward L, sweep 1/8 R, ¼ diamond fallaway with R kick, coaster step.
1 2&3Big step RF to right side, Step LF behind RF, turn right ¼ with step RF forward (facing 3.00), Step LF forward.
4&5Turn left 1/8 by sweeping RF from back to front land RF in front of LF (facing 1.30), LF step to left side, step back RF at the same time do straight front kick LF
6&7 8&Step back LF, turn 1/8 with RF step to right side (facing 3.00), turn 1/8 by step LF forward (facing 4.30), step RF forward, close LF next to RF.

Section 2 (9-16): Step R back, 5/8 behind unwind turn, basic night club, L step side, sway right left, R step side, ¼ turn L to side, close R.
1 2&3Step RF back (still facing 4.30), cross LF behind RF, weight RF 5/8 left turn and transfer weight on LF on completion turning (facing 9.00), step RF to right side
4&5Cross LF closely behind RF, weight on LF step RF a bit to left side, step LF to left side
6&7 8&Sway right, left, take RF big step to right side, ¼ turn with LF step side (facing 12.00), close RF next to LF.

Section 3 (17-24): Step L side, step R forward, ½ pivot turn, L recover, step R forward, full right turn recover on L in front, full left turn, recover on R in front, scissors step.
1 2&3Step LF to left side, step RF forward, weight on RF to half turn (facing 6.00) recover LF in front RF, step RF forward
4&5Weight on RF turn ½ LF step close to RF (facing 12.00), transfer weight to LF turn ½ RF step next to LF(now facing 6.00), step LF forward
6&7 8&Weight on LF turn ½ RF step close to LF (facing 12.00), transfer weight to RF turn ½ LF step next to RF (now facing 6.00), RF step forward, step LF to left side, RF close next to LF.

Section 4 (25-32): Cross L forward, touch R to side, ¾ spiral turn, rock L, recover on R, left weave, ¼ turn step L side,
1 2&3Cross LF in front of RF, point touch RF to right side, lock RF in front of LF ¾ right turn LF (facing 3.00), land RF in front to LF
4&5&Step LF to left side, recover on RF, cross LF in front of RF, step RF to right side
6&7 8&Cross LF behind RF, step RF to side, cross LF in front RF, step RF to right side, ¼ left turn recover on LF get ready to restart (facing 6.00)

There are 5 Tags:
- Tag 1 (2 counts): Sway right and left: at the end of Wall 2, 5, 7
- Tag 2 (4 counts): Swat right, left, right left: at the end of Wall 1 and 6

There are 2 restarts:
- After 16 Counts in Wall 3 (W3 start facing 12.00 and then restart W4 facing 12.00)
- After 22 Counts in Wall 6, with step change on Section 3 count “4&” as below.
Section 3:
1 2&3Step LF to left side, step RF forward, weight on RF for half turn (facing 6.00) recover LF in front RF, step RF forward
4&step LF forward, touch RF together LF (facing 6.00).

The dance ends on Wall 8 after 16 counts.

Enjoy the Dance!!!

For questions pls call/What’s App chat Raymond: +62811961955


Erni March 12, 2023
Vote #1

Marchy Susilani March 13, 2023
Vote 2

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