CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Carol's Hully Gully

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High Beginner
Kat Couree (USA) - September 2022
Carol - Chuck Berry
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Start: with vocals: “Oh Carol” (16 counts)
Tag: after 8 counts on walls, 5,7,12,14; then restart with next wall
Part B: 32 counts—Do as wall 8 then resume with Part A

Part A 32 counts
Section I Vine Right with Kick, Vine Left with Kick
1-4Step R to side, step L behind R, step R to side, kick L across front of R
5-8Step L to side, step R behind L, step L to side, kick R across front of L
Tag here on walls 5, 7, 12, 14; then restart

Section II Step slightly back, touch toe next to other foot (turning a little toward the stationary foot) x 4
1-2Step R slightly back, touch L toe next to R toe (turning a little to the right) or kick leg out rather than toe touch as an option
3-4Step L slightly back, touch R toe next to L toe (turning a little to the left) or kick leg out rather than toe touch as an option
5-6repeat 1-2 above
7-8repeat 3-4 above

Section III Coaster, hitch, step, hitch, step, hitch w/ ¼ turn right
1-4Step back on R, step together with L, step forward with R, hitch with L (turning slightly right)
5-6Step L slightly forward, hitch with R (turning slightly left)
7-8Step R to side, hitch L (turning ¼ right)

Section IV Step, touch, coaster step, touch, step left to side, touch right next to left
1-2Step L to left, touch R next to left
3-5Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward
6-8Touch L next to R, step L to left, touch R next to L

Tag (8ct.) Coaster, hitch(turning ¼ right), step, step together, sway R, sway L
9-11Step back on R, step together with L, step forward with R
12-13hitch with L (turning ¼ right), step L in place
14step R foot next to L
15-16sway R, sway L (weight on L)

Part B: 32 counts (serves as wall 8)
Section I Slow Full turn to right (clockwise), step L in place, step R in place
1-6Step R to right turning ¼ right, hold, step L in front of R turning ¼ right, hold, step R behind L turning ½ right, hold
7-8Step L in place, step R in place

Section II Slow Full turn to left (counter-clockwise), Step R in place, step L in place
9-14Step L to left turning ¼ left, hold, step R in front of L turning ¼ left, hold, step L behind R turning ½ right, hold
15-16step R in place, step L in place

Section III coaster, hitch, step, hitch, step, hitch (w/ 1/4 turn right)
17-20Step R back, step L together, step R forward, hitch L (rotating 1/8 right)
21-24Step L, hitch R(rotating 1/8 left), step R, hitch L (w/ ¼ turn right)

Section IV Step, brush, coaster, touch L next to R, step L to side, touch R next to L
25-26step L to side, brush
27-29step back R, step together L, step forward R
30-32touch L next to R, step L to side, touch R next to L

Wall 16 do sections 1-3 completely. On Section IV, do steps 1-6 then:
Counts 7-8 Turn ¼ right with R, (to face front wall), step L next to R


This Dance is dedicated to my mom, Carol, who loved the Hully Gully.



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