CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hot Wasabi

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Phrased Intermediate
Ashley Ironside (USA) & Cassie Murphy (USA) - February 2023
Wasabi - Little Mix
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Sequence A tag A B A tag A B

*Long intro, Dance begins 33 seconds into music.

Part A : 32c
Mambo step, step right, step left, dipping body roll.
1, 2, 3, 4Step R to R side, step R next to L, step L to L side, step L next to R.
5-6Step R to R side, step L to L side.
7-81/8 turn R, bend knees and body roll.

Cross rock, shuffle, side, behind, slide, hitch.
1-2cross L over R, recover weight on R.
3&41/4 turn L, shuffle L forward, R next to L, L forward.
5-61/4 turn over L shoulder stepping R to R side L foot behind R.
7-8slide R hitch L knee up.

Funky weave, point forward, point side, body roll.
1-2cross L over R pop R knee, step R to right side pop L knee.
3-4cross L behind R pop R knee, step R to right side pop L knee.
5-6point L forward point L to L side.
7-81/4 L body roll.

Rock recover, shuffle, full turn, shuffle.
1-2rock back L recover R.
3&4shuffle L forward, R next to L, L forward.
5-6full turn over R shoulder stepping R then L.
7&8shuffle R forward, L next to R, R forward.

Part B : 32c
Touch, Flick, Step, Sweep, Jazz box
1-2touch L forward flick L up to L side.
3-4step L forward, sweep R foot from back to front.
5,6,7,81/4 over R shoulder, cross R in front of L, step L back, step R to R side, cross L over R.

Slide, Suzie Q’s, sailor
1-2slide R
3,4,5,6cross L foot over R grinding L heel, step right to right side, cross L foot over R grinding L heel, step right to right side (Suzie Q’s)
7&81/2 over R shoulder, step R behind L, L next to R, R to R side.

Slide, shuffle, Jazz box
1-2slide R
3&4shuffle L forward, R next to L, L forward.
5,6,7,81/2 over R shoulder, cross R in front of L, step L back, step R to R side, cross L over R.

Shuffle, Rock recover, Full turn, Coaster
1&2shuffle R forward, L next to R, R forward.
3-4rock L forward recover R.
5-6full turn back over L shoulder stepping L then R
7&8step L backwards, step R next to L, step L forward.

Tag (facing 9)
1-2rock L recover R.
3&4step L back, cross R over L, step L back.
5-61/4 over L shoulder, step L touch R next to L, step R touch L next to R.
7&8step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side.

1&2step R behind L, L next to R, R to R side.
3&4step L behind R, R next to L, L to L side.
5-6cross R behind L hold
7-8full turn unwind over R shoulder.


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