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What Would It Take

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Advanced waltz
Rob Fowler (ES) - January 2023
What Would It Take - Anderson East
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Start on the word “take” as the lyrics start “What would it take” (approx. 3 secs)

S1 [1-6]: Cross Rock R, Recover L, Side R, Cross L, Sweep R
1,2,3Cross rock R over L, recover on L, step R to R side
4,5,6Cross step L over R, sweep R around from back to front over 2 counts 12:00

S2 [7-12]: Cross R, ¼ R Stepping Back L, Back R, Touch L Back, ¼ L, Hold
1,2,3Cross step R over L, make ¼ turn R stepping back on L, step back R 3:00
4,5,6Touch L back, make ¼ turn L rocking weight on to L, hold 12:00

S3 [13-18]: Full Turn R (on the spot), Cross Rock L, Recover R, Side L
1,2,3Transfer weight on to R and make a full turn R (on the spot) sweeping L around
4,5,6Cross rock L over R, recover on R, step L to L side 12:00

S4 [19-24]: Step R Diag, Slow Pivot ½ L, Step R, Full Turn R
1,2,3Step R diagonally forward L (towards 10:30), make ½ turn L over 2 counts (weight forward on L) 4.30
4,5,6Step forward on R towards diagonal, make ½ turn R stepping back on L, make ½ turn R stepping forward on R

S5 [25-30]: Rock Fwd L, Recover R, ½ L, Rock Fwd R, Recover L, Side R
1,2,3Rock forward on L, recover on R, make ½ turn L stepping forward on L 10.30
4,5,6Rock forward on R, recover on L, step R to R side straightening up to 12:00 12:00

S6 [31-36]: Cross Rock L, Recover R, ¼ L, Sweep ½ L, Hold for 2
1,2,3Cross rock L over R, recover on R, make ¼ turn L stepping on to L 9:00
4,5,6Keeping weight on L make ½ turn L sweeping R around and pointing to R side, hold for 2 counts 3:00

S7 [37-42]: Full Rolling Turn R, L Twinkle
1,2,3Make ¼ turn R stepping forward on R, make ½ turn R stepping back on L, make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side
4,5,6Cross step L over R, step R next to L, step L next to R 3:00

S8 [43-48]: (Weave) Cross R, Side L, Behind R, ¼ L, Step R, Pivot ½ L
1,2,3Cross step R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L
4,5,6Make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, step forward on R, make ½ turn L (weight on L) 6:00

RESTARTS: During WALL 2 & WALL 4 restart here after count 48 facing 12:00

BRIDGE: Full Turn L With Sweep (done here in Walls 1, 3, 5 & 6 )
1,2,3Keeping weight on L make a full turn L (on the spot)

RESTARTS: During WALL 5 & WALL 6 restart here after the bridge

S9 [49-54]: Rock Fwd R, Recover L, ½ R, Sweep ½ R
1,2,3Rock forward on R, recover on L, make ½ turn R stepping forward on R
4,5,6Keeping weight on R make a sweeping ½ turn R (weight on R) 6:00

S10 [55-60]: L Twinkle, R Twinkle ½ R
1,2,3Cross step L over R, step R next to L, step L next to R
4,5,6Cross step R over L, make ¼ turn R stepping back on L, make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side 12:00

S11 [61-66]: Cross Rock L, Recover R, Side L, (Weave) Cross R, Side L, Behind R
1,2,3Cross rock L over R, recover on R, step L to L side
4,5,6Cross step R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L 12:00

S12 [67-72]: Side L, Drag R, Hold, Side R, Drag L, Hold
1,2,3Step L to L side, drag R up to L, hold (keep weight on L)
4,5,6Step R to R side, drag L up to R, hold (keep weight on R) 12:00

S13 [73-84]: 12-Count ¾ L Diamond
1Cross step L over R diagonally forward towards 1:30
2Make 1/8 turn L stepping R to R side (facing 12:00) 12:00
3Make 1/8 turn L stepping back on L (facing 10:30) 10:30
4,5,6Step back on R (10:30), make 1/8 turn L stepping L to L side, step forward on R 9:00
7Make 1/8 turn L stepping forward on L (facing 7:30) 7:30
8Make 1/8 turn L stepping R to R side (facing 6:00) 6:00
9,10Make 1/8 turn L stepping back on L (facing 4:30), step back on R 4:30
11,12Make 1/8 turn L stepping L to L side (facing 3:00), step R next to L 3:00

S14 [85-90]: Slow Full Monterey Turn R
1,2,3Step forward on L, point R to R side, hold
4,5,6Make a full turn R stepping R next to L, point L to L side, hold 3:00

S15 [91-96]: Rock Fwd L, Recover R, ½ L, Step R, Slow Pivot ¼ L
1,2,3Rock forward on L, recover on R, make ½ turn L stepping forward on L 9:00
4,5,6Step forward on R, make a slow ¼ turn L over 2 counts (weight on L) 6:00

Start Over

Wall 1 Full wall including bridge (starts 12:00 - ends 6:00)
Wall 2 Dance up to and including count 48 then restart facing 12:00
Wall 3 Full wall including bridge (starts 12:00 - ends 6:00)
Wall 4 Dance up to and including count 48 then restart facing 12:00
Wall 5 Dance up to and including count 48, add the bridge then restart facing 6:00
Wall 6 Dance up to and including count 48, add the bridge then restart facing 12:00
Wall 7 Dance the first 18 counts to finish facing 12:00


Partiappy February 17, 2023
Absolutely beautiful. Love itπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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