S1: Rumba box forward, step back 2 w/claps, coaster
1&2(1) Step right to side (&) Step left next to right (2) Step right forward
3&4(3) Step left to side (&) Step right next to left (4) Step left back
5&6&(5) Step right back (&) clap (6) Step left back (&) clap
7&8(7) Step back on right (&) Step left next to right (8) Step right forward
S2: Heel toe shuffle (2 times)
1-2(1) Left heel forward (2) Left toe back
3&4(3) Step left forward (&) Step right next to left (4) Step left forward
5-6(5) Right heel forward (6) Right toe back
7&8(7) Step right forward (&) Step left next to right (8) Step right forward
On wall 6 cross left over right, unwind to front and step right forward to end dance.
S3: Jazz box, w/cross, rock side, twist heels, rock side, twist heels
1-4(1) Cross left over right (2) Step back on right (3) Step left to side (4) Cross right over left
5&6&(5) Step left to side (&) Step right together (6) twist heels to left (&) Twist heels to right
7&8&(7) Step right to side (&) Step left together (8) twist heels to right (&) Twist heels to left
S4: Rock, recover, triple step 1/2 turn right, rock, recover, coaster
1-2(1) Step right forward (2) Weight back to left
3&4(3) 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right (&) Step left next to right (4) Weight back on right
5-6(5) Step left forward (6) Weight back to right
7&8(7) Step left back (&) Step right next to left (8) Step left forward
1&2(1) Step right to side (&) Step left next to right (2) Step right forward
3&4(3) Step left to side (&) Step right next to left (4) Step left back
5&6&(5) Step right back (&) clap (6) Step left back (&) clap
7&8(7) Step back on right (&) Step left next to right (8) Step right forward
S2: Heel toe shuffle (2 times)
1-2(1) Left heel forward (2) Left toe back
3&4(3) Step left forward (&) Step right next to left (4) Step left forward
5-6(5) Right heel forward (6) Right toe back
7&8(7) Step right forward (&) Step left next to right (8) Step right forward
On wall 6 cross left over right, unwind to front and step right forward to end dance.
S3: Jazz box, w/cross, rock side, twist heels, rock side, twist heels
1-4(1) Cross left over right (2) Step back on right (3) Step left to side (4) Cross right over left
5&6&(5) Step left to side (&) Step right together (6) twist heels to left (&) Twist heels to right
7&8&(7) Step right to side (&) Step left together (8) twist heels to right (&) Twist heels to left
S4: Rock, recover, triple step 1/2 turn right, rock, recover, coaster
1-2(1) Step right forward (2) Weight back to left
3&4(3) 1/2 turn right stepping forward on right (&) Step left next to right (4) Weight back on right
5-6(5) Step left forward (6) Weight back to right
7&8(7) Step left back (&) Step right next to left (8) Step left forward