CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
Silvano Ferrero (IT) - January 2023
Gold - Dierks Bentley
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Tag on 10th wall, Restart on 3rd wall Dance begins on lyrics

Rock recover, Coaster step, Rock recover, Coaster step (12:00)
1-2Rock step right forward, recover onto left
3&4Step right back, step left together, step right forward
5-6Rock left forward, recover onto right
7&8Step left back, step right together, step left forward

Touch, Turn 1/8, Touch, Turn 1/8, Rock recover, Full turn
1-2Touch right toe forward, turn 1/8 left
3-4Touch right toe forward, turn 1/8 left (09:00)
5-6Rock step right forward, recover onto left
7-8Make a ½ turn R and step forward RF, Make a ½ turn R and step back on LF (09:00)
* RESTART on 3rd wall

Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Rock recover, Shuffle ½ turn, kick ball Cross
1&2Make a ¼ turn R and step RF to R side, close LF next to RF, make a ¼ turn R and step forward on RF (03:00)
3-4Rock step left forward, recover onto right
5&6Make a ¼ turn L and step LF to L side, close RF next to LF, make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF (09:00)
7&8Kick RF forward, close RF next to LF, cross LF over RF (09:00)

Rock recover, behind side cross, Rock recover, behind side cross (09:00)
1-2Rock side right, recover onto left
3&4Step R behind, Step left side, step R across
5-6Rock side left, recover onto right
7&8Step L behind, Step R side, Step L across

TAG on 10th wall
Rocking chair
1-2Rock step right forward, recover onto left
3-4Rock step right back, recover onto left

Final: 10th wall
After 16 counts, Rock Back RF + crossed arms (12:00)
1Rock right back and crossed arms

RESTART on 3rd wall :
In the second sequence, change the counts 7-8 :
* Make a half turn R with step RF and step left forward

Have fun !

*1st wall (12:00) – 2nd wall (09:00) – 3rd wall (06:00) – 4th wall (09:00) – 5th wall (06:00) – 6th wall (03:00)
*7th wall (12:00) – 8th wall (09:00) – 9th (06:00) – 10th wall (03:00) and finish on 12:00


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