CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beginner / Improver
Charlotte Steele (SA) - January 2023
Dagboek - Kurt Darren : (Album: In Jou Oë)
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Intro: 12 counts. Start on vocals. **Two Restarts and two easy Tags**

Sec.1 L Mambo Fwd. R Mambo Back. L Cross Shuffle. R Sweep Fwd into Cross Shuffle.
1&2Rock forward on L, recover onto R, step L slightly back
3&4Rock back on R, recover onto L, step R slightly forward
5&6Cross L over R, small step R to right side, cross L over R
7&8Sweep R out and across L, small step L to left side, cross R over L (weight to R) (12:00)

Sec.2 L Side Mambo. R Side Mambo. L Cross-Side-Behind. R Sweep Back into Behind-Side-Cross.
1&2Rock L to left side, recover onto R, step L next to R (weight to L)
3&4Rock R to right side, recover onto L, step R next to L (weight to R)
5&6Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L behind R (weight to L)
7&8Sweep R out and behind L, step L to left side, cross R over L (weight to R) (12:00)
**Restart here on wall 7 facing 12:00 **

Sec.3 1/4 Turn Right Shuffle Fwd. R-L Scissor Steps. Side-Behind-1/4 Turn Right Fwd.
1&2Turn 1/4 right (3:00) on ball of R and step forward on L, step R next to L, step L forward (3:00)
3&4Step R to right side, step L next to R, cross R over L
5&6Step L to left side, step R next to L, cross L over R
7&8Step R to right side, step L behind R, turn 1/4 right (6:00) and step fwd on R (weight to R) (6:00)
**Restart here on wall 3 facing 6:00**

Sec.4 Syncopated Rumba Box. Shuffle Back LRL. R Coaster Step.
1&2Step L to left side, step R next to L, step L forward
3&4Step R to right side, step L next to R, step R back
5&6Step L back, step R next to L, step L back
7&8Step R back, step L next to R, step R forward (weight to R) (6:00)


TAG: HOLD for 2 counts – or SWAY L-R – at the end of wall 1 and wall 4, then restart the dance.

Dance ends on wall 10 on counts 1&2 of Sec.1 facing 12:00.


Last Update: 12 January 2023


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