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That Kinda Cha

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Intermediate Cha Cha
Nina Skyrud (NOR), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - 7 January 2023
That Kinda Night - Angie K
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Start the dance after 16 counts at the vocal.

[1-8] Side, Back Rock-Recover, 1/8 Turn R, Step-Lock-Step, Rock-Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn L
1,2,3Step L to L side (1), Rock R back (2), Recover onto L (3)
4&5Turn 1/8 R Stepping R forward (4), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (5) [1:30]
6,7Rock L forward (6), Recover onto R (7)
8&1Turn 1/4 L stepping L to L side (8), Step R beside L (&), Turn ¼ L stepping L forward (1) [7:30].

[9-16] 1/8 Turn L, Hitch, Chasse into Cha Cha in place, Slide
2,3Turn 1/8 L stepping R to R side (2), Hitch L (3) [6:00]
4&5Step L to L side (4), Step R next to L (&), Step L to L side (5)
6&Step R next to L (6), Step L next to R (&)
7-8Step R a long step to R side (7), Slide L up to R keeping weight on R (8).

[17-24] Cross Rock-Recover, Side Rock-Recover, Cross Rock-Recover, Side, Cross Rock-Recover, Side Rock-Recover, Sailor ¼ Turn R
1&2&Rock L across R (1), Recover onto R (&), Rock L to L side (2), Recover onto R (&)
3&4Rock L across R (3), Recover onto R (&), Step L to L side (4)
5&6&Rock R across L (5), Recover onto L (&), Rock R to R side (6), Recover onto L (&)
7&8Step R behind L (7), Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (&), Step R slightly forward (8) [9:00].

[25-32] ¼ Turn R, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock-Recover, Weave
1,2Step L forward (1), Turn (swivel) ¼ R (2). [12:00]
3&4Cross L over R (3), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (4)
5,6Rock R to R side (5), Recover onto L (6)
7&8Cross R behind L (7), Step L to L side (&), Cross R over L (8).
TAG *Please see note below about TAG here in WALL 5
RESTART: **Please see note below about RESTART here in WALL 5

[33-40] Full Paddle Turn L (Volta), Mambo fwd, Mambo back
1&Turning approx. ¼ L Step L forward slightly across R (1), Step R ball beside L (&)
2&Turning approx. ¼ L Step L forward slightly across R (2), Step R ball beside L (&)
3&Turning approx. ¼ L Step L forward slightly across R (3), Step R ball beside L (&)
4Turning approx. ¼ L Step L forward (4) [12:00]
5&6Rock R forward (5), Recover onto L (&), Step R back (6)
7&8Rock L back (7), Recover onto R (&), Step L forward (8).

[41-48] Full Paddle Turn R (Volta), Mambo ½ Turn L, Side Rock Cross
1&Turning approx. ¼ R Step R forward slightly across L (1), Step L ball beside R (&)
2&Turning approx. ¼ R Step R forward slightly across L (2), Step L ball beside R (&)
3&Turning approx. ¼ R Step R forward slightly across L (3), Step L ball beside R (&)
4Turning approx. ¼ R Step R forward (4) [12:00]
5&6Rock L forward (5), Recover onto R (&), Turn ½ L Stepping L forward (6) [6:00].
7&8Rock R to R side (7), Recover onto Left (&), Cross R over L (8).

*TAG: Full Spiral Turn with arms
1-2-3-4Keeping weight on R Unwind full turn L. At the same time raise both arms above head and lower them gradually over 4 counts Snapping fingers.

**RESTART: During WALL 5 dance up to and including count 32 + TAG then restart facing 12:00.

Start again.


9 FEB '23 50


BrittB January 11, 2023
Very nI.C.E. Nina!! Voted :)

Rancher January 11, 2023
Fantastic dance, teaching next week, voted ! πŸ₯³

DanseNina January 11, 2023
T🧑hank you for your nice feedback! πŸ’œ

Chany J January 17, 2023
Love it 😍😍😍

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