CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Lesley Stewart (SCO) & Kirsteen Currie (UK) - December 2022
Rearview - Jagertown
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Intro: 16 counts

Tag: At the end of wall 2 add the 4 count tag.
Restart: On wall 4 dance up to count 16 and restart the dance *

Walk, walk, right lock step, step 1/4 right, cross shuffle
1-2Walk forward right, walk forward left
3&4Step forward right, lock left behind right, step forward right
5-6Step forward left 1/4 turn right (weight on right)
7&8Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right

Side rock, rec, cross shuffle, side rock, rec, behind 1/4 turn
1-2Rock right out to right side, recover on left
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6Rock left out to left side, recover on right
7&8Step left behind right, 1/4 right stepping forward right, step left next to right *

Toe, heel, step x 2, toe, heel 1/4 step, toe, heel, step
1&2Touch right toe next to left foot, touch right heel next to left foot, step forward on right
3&4Touch left toe next to right foot, touch left heel next to right foot, step forward on left
5&6Touch right toe next to left foot, touch right heel next to left foot, 1/4 right stepping forward on right
7&8Touch left toe next to right foot, touch left heel next to right foot, step forward on left

Step 1/2 turn, step 1/4 turn, cross & heel & cross & heel
1-2Step forward on right, 1/2 turn left (weight on left)
3-4Step forward on right, 1/4 turn left (weight on left)
5&6&Cross right over left, step left to left side, dig right heel to right diagonal, step right next to left
7&8&Cross left over right, step right to right side, dig left heel to left diagonal, step left next to right

Rock forward, rec, coaster cross, touch out, in, out, sailor 1/4 turn
1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4Step back right, step left next to right, cross right over left
5&6Touch left out to left side, touch left next to right, touch left out to left side
7&8Step left behind right, 1/4 turn left stepping right to right side, step left to left side

Tag: at end of wall 2
Rocking chair
1-2Rock forward on right, recover on left
3-4Rock back on right, recover on left


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