CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Arhbo (FIFA World Cup)

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Annie Annoy (INA), Ida Budiwati (INA) & Fieda Andriyanti (INA) - November 2022
*SEC 1: Walk RL- Heel Swivel RL - Stomp - Brush - Knee Pop
1-2Walk R Forward, Walk L Forward
3&4&Touch right heel forward, Step right next to left, Touch left heel forward, Step left next to right
5-6Brush right forward, Stomp right next to left,
7-8Stomp left next to right, Pop both knees fwd, return knees back ending

*SEC 2: Back Rock RL, Side, R diagonal shuffle - Point L side, flick L foot back*
1&2Rock Back R behind L, in place on L, Step Right to side right
3&4Rock Back L behind R, in place on R, Step Left to side Left
5&6Step right foot forward toward left diagonal, step left next to right, step right foot forward toward left diagonal (10.30)
7-8Touch left toe to left side, flick left foot up behind you angling body to right diagonal (1.30)

*SEC 3: L Diagonal shuffle, Point R side, Flick R foot back, R diagonal shuffle - L side Recover*
1&2Step Left foot forward toward right diagonal, step right next to left, step left foot forward toward right diagonal (1.30)
3-4Touch right toe to right side, flick right foot up behind you angling body to left diagonal (10.30)
5&6Step right foot forward toward left diagonal, step left next to right, step right foot forward toward left diagonal (10.30)
7-8Step Rock Left to left side, Recover on R

*SEC 4: L Sailor step with ¼ turn L, ½ Chug Turn , Together, point R&L&*
1&2Cross left behind right, make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left, step forward on left 9.00
3-4Turn ⅛ left stomp right to right, turn ⅛ left stomp right to right (6:00)
5-6Turn ⅛ left stomp right to right, turn ⅛ left touch right to right (12:00)
*Styling: Do the Turn Chug with shimmy Shoulder*
7&8Point L to L side, Together Step L next to R Point R to R side

*SEC 5: V-Step - Roll Hips - RL Jump Diagonally*
1-2Step R diagonally forward, step L diagonally forward, 3-4 Step R back to the centre, step L back to the centre
5-6Roll hips counter-clockwise (12:00)*
*Styling: While doing the Hip roll raise R arm in the air circling it counter-clockwise as if swinging lasso*
7-8R Jump diagonally, L Jump Diagonally

*SEC 6: Forward, Hitch, Touch Back, Turn ⅛ R, Forward, Hitch, Touch*
1-2Step R Forward, Hitch L Forward (passing 10.00)
3-4Step Back L, Touch R back
5-6In place R (while in place Turn ⅛ R passing 2.00) Step L Forward,
7-8Hitch R Forward, Touch R Back

*SEC 7: R Volta ½ Turn, L Volta ½ Turn*
1&2&3&4Turn R step R forward, Lock/ step left behind, ¼ turn R step right forward, Lock/step left behind (9:00) Turn R step R forward, Lock/step left behind, ¼ turn R step right forward (12:00)
5&6&7&8Turn L step L forward, Lock/ step right behind, ¼ turn L step L forward, Lock/step right behind (9:00) Turn R step R forward, Lock/step right behind, ¼ turn L step Left forward (6:00)

*SEC 8: Cross Shuffle, Side Rock*
1&2Cross R foot over L, step L to left side, Cross R foot over L
3-4Rock L to Side left, Recover on R
5&6Cross L foot over R, step R to right side, Cross L foot over R
7-8Rock R to Side right, Recover on L

*No Tag No Restart*

*Enjoy it And Let's The Dance*



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