CopperKnob Stepsheets

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(Oh Dear I Do Love) Huntin' Season

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Deanna Nemes (USA) - November 2022
Huntin' Season - Mackenzie Carpenter
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Dance begins after slow intro on the word “shop”

*1 Restart - 2 Tags
Sorry – the song made me do it

[1-8]RT flick LF, LT flick RT, grapevine ¼ turn RT, flick LT
1-4Side RT, bend left leg flicking LT heel behind RT calf, side LT, bend RT leg flicking RT foot behind LT calf 
5-8Step RT to RT side, LT crosses behind, ¼ RT with RT, bend LT knee flicking LT foot behind RT calf (facing 3:00)

[9-16]LT flick RT, RT flick LT, ¼ left step lock step, hold
1-4Step LT to LT Side, bend RT knee flicking RT heel behind LT calf, step side RT, bend LT knee flicking RT behind LT calf
5-8¼ turn Left step forward on LT, bring Rt foot behind LT, Step LT forward, hold (facing 12:00)
* Restart after 16cts on wall 2 (facing 6:00)

[17-24]Step 1/2 Pivot step, hold, run LT, RT, LT (optional Full RT turn), hold
1-4Step RT forward, ½ Pivot over LT shoulder, Step RT forward (facing 6:00), hold
5-8Run forward LT, RT, LT, hold
(Optional turn - Step LT Forward, Step RT making a full turn over RT shoulder, step out onto LT foot)

[25-32]Rocking Chair, RT Heel Taps (x3), Kick RT
1-4Rock forward RT, Replace weight on LT, Rock backward on RT, replace weight on LT
5-8Tap LT Heel in front 3x, then straighten RT leg for a slight kick (optional arm pumps with heels and or kick)

TAG 1 - End of Wall 4– Rocking ChairX2 (Facing 12:00)
1-4Rock forward RT, Replace weight on LT, Rock backward on RT, replace weight on LT
5-8Step RT 1/2 pivot over LT shoulder, Step RT ½ Pivot over LT shoulder

TAG 2 - On Wall 10
1-4Completed as above in Section 1 just slow down with music
5-8RT to RT side, cross LT behind, ½ unwind over LT Shoulder (now facing 6:00), Raise arms up with music
Restart dance on the word “he”

Life Happens. Just. Keep. Dancing.

Last Update: 1 Dec 2022


Liz11766 November 26, 2022
Really fun dance!!

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