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Unleash The Power

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Fiona Murray (IRE) & Roy Hadisubroto (IRE) - January 2022
Intro: 16 count intro from start of music. Start with weight on L foot
Sequence: A, B, Tag, A, B, B

Part A Always begins and ends facing 12:00
1 - 8Side, ⅛Turn Rock Recover, Back Sweep, Sailor ⅜ Turn, Forward Presses RLR
1 - 2 &Step R to R side (1), ⅛ Turn R Rock L forward (2), Recover back on R (&) 12:00
3 - 4 &Step L back and sweep R from front to back (3), Cross R behind L (4), ⅜ Turn L Step L forward (&) 9:00
5&a 6&aRock forward on ball of R (5), Recover back on L (&), Close R next to L (a), Rock forward on ball of L (6), Recover back on R (&) Close L next to R (a) 9:00
7 - 8 &Rock forward on ball of R (7), Recover back on L (8) Step R back (&) 9:00

[9 - 16] ¼ Turn Dip, Ball Step, Arabesque, ¾ Turn, Syncopated Side Mambos L&R, Slide with drag, Heel Toe Hitch
1 &a¼ Turn L Step L to L side starting dip down (1), Finish on dip transferring weight on R (&), Close L next to R (a) 6:00
2 - 3 - 4Step R to R side while starting to raise L leg to L side and pushing R arm towards 9:00 (2), Keep raising L leg and pushing R arm toward 9:00, begin turning towards 9:00 (3), Finish ¼ Turn R Step L forward (4), ½ Turn R Step R forward (&) 3:00
5&a 6&a¼ Turn R Rock L to L side (5), Recover on R (&), Close L next to R (a), Rock R to R side (6), Recover on L (&), Close R next to L (a), 6:00
7 - 8 &aBig step L to L side and begin dragging R towards L (7), R heel towards L (8), R toe towards L (&), Hitch R knee (a) 6:00

[17 - 24] Cross, Slow Unwind ½ Turn with bounces, Side Together, Shoulders, Cross Ball Step, Cross Sweep, Weave
1e&a2e&aCross R over L, bend both knees and unwind ⅛ Turn L (1), Unwind ⅛ Turn L, straighten knees (e), Unwind ⅛ Turn L Bend knees (&), Unwind ⅛ Turn L straighten knees (a), Unwind ⅛ Turn L Bend knees (2), Unwind ⅛ Turn L straighten knees (e), Unwind ⅛ Turn L Bend knees (&), Unwind ⅛ Turn L straighten knees, weight on L (a) 12:00
3 & 4e&Step R to R side (3), Close L next to R, body angles 10:30 (&), L shoulder up (4), R shoulder up (e), L shoulder up (&) 12:00
5 &a 6&a7Cross R over L (5), Step L to L side (&), Close R next to L (a), Cross L over R (6), Sweep R from back to front(&) Finish sweep brushing R forward (a7), 12:00
& 8 &Cross R over L (&), Step L to L side (8), Cross R behind L (&) 12:00

[25 - 32] Side Touch, Side Hitch, ¼ Side Touch, Side Hitch, Side Hold Ball Change, Cross ¾ Unwind Hitch, Shuffle
1 & 2 &Step L to L side (1), Touch R next to L (&), Step R to R side (2), Hitch L (&) 12:00
3 & 4 &¼ Turn L Step L to L side (3), Touch R next to L (&), Step R to R side (4), Hitch L (&) 9:00
5 & a6 &Step L to L side (5), HOLD (&), Close R next to L (a), Step L to L side (6), Cross R over L (&) 9:00
7 & 8 &aUnwind ¾ Turn L, weight on R (7), Hitch L (&), Step L forward (8), Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (a) 12:00

Part B
[1 - 8] Forward Hitch, Mambo L, Out R&L, Willy Bounce R&L, Slide
1 - 2Step R forward (1), Hitch L (2) 12:00
3 & 4Rock L to L side (3), Recover on R (&), Close L next to R while bending both knees and bring both arms from waist height up until chest height in front of body (4/“Down”) 12:00
5 & 6Staying low, Step R into R diagonal (5), Step L into L diagonal (&), Twist outside of R heel and R hip towards 12:00, (6), R heel and R hip back to centre (&) 12:00
7 & 8 &Twist outside of L heel and hip towards 12:00 (7), L heel and hip back to centre (&), Coming back to standing, Slide R to R side (8) 12:00

[9 - 16] Forward Hitch, Mambo R, Full Chase Turn, ¼ Turn Side with Arms “Kame-hame-ha”
1 - 2Step L forward (1), Hitch R (2) 12:00
3 & 4 &Rock R to R side (3), Recover on L (&), Pushing onto balls of both feet while closing L next to R and bring both arms from chest height down until waist height infront of body (4/“Rise”), Drop both heels (&) 12:00
5 & 6 &Step L forward (5), ½ Turn R Step R forward (&), ½ Turn R Step L back (6), ¼ Turn R Step R to R side (&) 3:00
7 & 8R arm palm down infront of chest (7/“Un”), L arm palm down in front of waist (&/“Leash”), ¼ Turn L weight split, rotate hands clockwise while pushing both arms forward so R palm is now under L palm (8/“The Power”) 12:00

[17 - 24] Forward, Run, Out L&R, Knee Twist Side, Rock Recover, ¼ Turn Slide, Syncopated Sailors, Side & Shake
1 - 2Step forward L pushing off R, pull arms towards body (1), Step R forward, as if running (2) 12:00
& 3 - 4 &Step L out (&), Step R out (3), Twist R knee towards L (4), R knee back to forward facing, transfer weight onto R(&)12:00
5 & 6 &Rock L forward (5), Recover back on R (&), ¼ Turn L Slide L to L side (6) 9:00
7e&a 8 &Cross R behind L (7), Step L into L diagonal (e), Step R into R diagonal (&), Cross L behind R (a), Step R into R diagonal (8) Jump L to L side R arm to R side L arm across body both palms down and shake hands (&) 9:00

[25 - 32] Cross Rock Recover, Back Sweep RL, Pony Step, Back Sweep LR, Forward Glide R&L, Forward
1 - 2 &Cross R over L (1), Rock L forward (2), Recover back on R (&), 6:00
3 & 4e&aStep L back sweeping R from front to back (3), Step R back sweeping L from front to back (&), Step L back and hitch R (4), Step R in place (e), Step L back and hitch R (&), Step R in place (a) 6:00
5 & 6Step L back sweeping R from front to back (5), Step R back sweeping L from front to back (&), Step L back and hitch R (6), Step R in place (e), Step L back and hitch R (&) 6:00
7 - 8 &Glide R forward (7), Glide L forward (8), Step R forward (&) 6:00

[33 - 40] Forward, Run, Out L&R, Knee Twist Side, Rock Recover, ¼ Turn Slide, Syncopated Sailors, Side & Shake
1 - 2Step forward L, pull arms towards body (1), Step R forward, as if running (2) 6:00
& 3 - 4 &Step L out (&), Step R out (3), Twist R knee towards L (4), R knee back to forward facing, transfer weight onto R(&) 6:00
5 & 6 &Rock L forward (5), Recover back on R (&), ¼ Turn L Slide L to L side (6) 3:00
7e&a 8 &Cross R behind L (7), Step L into L diagonal (e), Step R into R diagonal (&), Cross L behind R (a), Step R into R diagonal (8) Jump L to L side R arm to R side L arm across body both palms down and shake hands (&) 3:00

[41 - 48] Cross Rock Recover, Back Sweep RL, Pony Step, Back Sweep LR, Step Lock Full Unwind
1 - 2 &Cross R over L (1), Rock L forward (2), Recover back on R (&), 12:00
3 & 4e&aStep L back sweeping R from front to back (3), Step R back sweeping L from front to back (&), Step L back and hitch R (4), Step R in place (e), Step L back and hitch R (&), Step R in place (a) 12:00
5 & 6e&Step L back sweeping R from front to back (5), Step R back sweeping L from front to back (&), Step L back and hitch R (6), Step R in place (e), Step L back and hitch R (&) 12:00
7 & 8Step R forward (7), Lock L behind R (&), Unwind full turn, weight finishes on L (8) 12:00

Tag: Happens once after first B, facing 12:00
[1 - 8] Diamond
1 - 2 &Step R to R side (1), ⅛ Turn L Step L back (2), Step R back (&) 10:30
3 - 4 &⅛ Turn L Step L to L side (3), ⅛ Turn L Step R forward (4), Step L forward (&) 7:30
5 - 6 &⅛ Turn L Step R to R side (5), ⅛ Turn L Step L back (6), Step R back (&) 4:30
7 - 8 &⅛ Turn L Step L to L side (7), ⅛ Turn L Step R forward (8), ⅛ Turn L Step L forward (&) 12:00

Note: We have included some words next to the counts to make it easier to learn. These movements will happen on these words in the song.




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