Start dance after 64c
S.1. Skate & Diagonal Shuffle forward (R/L)
1 - 2Step R diagonally fwd in pushing your body, step L diagonally fwd in pushing your body
3&4step R diagonally fwd, close L together, step R diagonally forward
5 - 6Step L diagonally fwd in pushing your body, step R diagonally fwd in pushing your body
3&4step L diagonally fwd, close R together, step L diagonally forward
S.2. pony step with hitch & side mambo
1&2step R backward, recover on L, step R backward while hitching L knee
3&4step L backward, recover on R, step L backward while hitching R knee
5&6step R to side, recover on L, step R together
7&8step L to side, recover on R, step L together
S 3. 1/ 4 left pivot, cross samba R/L, 1/4 left pivot
1 - 2step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step L in place
3&4cross R over L, step ball on L, step R in place
5&6cross L over R, step ball on R, step L in place
7 - 8step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step L in place
S 4. hitch, step to side, close with body roll, step to side
1 - 2hitch R over L, step R to side
3&4make a body roll by pushing your hip front to back, close L beside R, step R to side
5- 6hitch L over R, step L to side
7&8make a body roll by pushing your hip front to back, close R beside L, step L to side
Start dance after 64c
S.1. Skate & Diagonal Shuffle forward (R/L)
1 - 2Step R diagonally fwd in pushing your body, step L diagonally fwd in pushing your body
3&4step R diagonally fwd, close L together, step R diagonally forward
5 - 6Step L diagonally fwd in pushing your body, step R diagonally fwd in pushing your body
3&4step L diagonally fwd, close R together, step L diagonally forward
S.2. pony step with hitch & side mambo
1&2step R backward, recover on L, step R backward while hitching L knee
3&4step L backward, recover on R, step L backward while hitching R knee
5&6step R to side, recover on L, step R together
7&8step L to side, recover on R, step L together
S 3. 1/ 4 left pivot, cross samba R/L, 1/4 left pivot
1 - 2step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step L in place
3&4cross R over L, step ball on L, step R in place
5&6cross L over R, step ball on R, step L in place
7 - 8step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step L in place
S 4. hitch, step to side, close with body roll, step to side
1 - 2hitch R over L, step R to side
3&4make a body roll by pushing your hip front to back, close L beside R, step R to side
5- 6hitch L over R, step L to side
7&8make a body roll by pushing your hip front to back, close R beside L, step L to side