Miko Yamamoto (INA), Yuzni Zacharia (INA), Sari Scld (INA) & Ully Dhedhek (INA) - November 2022
Restart with step change
S1. Walk, shuffle forward, rock forward, turn 1/4 left coaster step with sweep
1 - 2walk R L
3&4step R forward, close L together, step R forward
5 - 6step L forward, recover on R
7&8turn 1/4 left with sweep on L step L backward, step R together, step L forward
S2. Slide R L, 1/2 left pivot, 1/4 left pivot
1 - 2step R diagonally forward, drag L slightly beside R
3 - 4step L diagonally forward, drag R slightly beside L
5 - 6step R forward, turn 1/2 left step L in place
7 - 8step R forward, turn 1/4 left step L in place
S3. Syncopated V step, side touch
&1&2step R diagonally forward, step L diagonally forward, step R back to the centre, step L back to the centre
3 - 4step R to side, touch L toe diagonally forward
5 - 6drop L heel, touch R toe diagonally forward
7 - 8drop R heel, touch L toe diagonally forward
S4. Step, cross, sude shuffle, touch, hitch, turn 1/4 rigt, touch
1 - 2step L in place, cross R over L
3&4step L to side, close R together, step L to side
5 - 6touch R toe forward, touch R toe to side
7 - 8hitch R over L, turn 1/4 right touch R toe forward
On wall 3 & 10 (06.00) there are restart with change step
Do the dance until S3, and then do the step change on count 7 - 8 : drop R heel, close L together
Start the dance again
On wall 7 & 13 (12.00), you do the restart after S2 (after 16 count)
S1. Walk, shuffle forward, rock forward, turn 1/4 left coaster step with sweep
1 - 2walk R L
3&4step R forward, close L together, step R forward
5 - 6step L forward, recover on R
7&8turn 1/4 left with sweep on L step L backward, step R together, step L forward
S2. Slide R L, 1/2 left pivot, 1/4 left pivot
1 - 2step R diagonally forward, drag L slightly beside R
3 - 4step L diagonally forward, drag R slightly beside L
5 - 6step R forward, turn 1/2 left step L in place
7 - 8step R forward, turn 1/4 left step L in place
S3. Syncopated V step, side touch
&1&2step R diagonally forward, step L diagonally forward, step R back to the centre, step L back to the centre
3 - 4step R to side, touch L toe diagonally forward
5 - 6drop L heel, touch R toe diagonally forward
7 - 8drop R heel, touch L toe diagonally forward
S4. Step, cross, sude shuffle, touch, hitch, turn 1/4 rigt, touch
1 - 2step L in place, cross R over L
3&4step L to side, close R together, step L to side
5 - 6touch R toe forward, touch R toe to side
7 - 8hitch R over L, turn 1/4 right touch R toe forward
On wall 3 & 10 (06.00) there are restart with change step
Do the dance until S3, and then do the step change on count 7 - 8 : drop R heel, close L together
Start the dance again
On wall 7 & 13 (12.00), you do the restart after S2 (after 16 count)