High Improver
#48-count intro (right after the word “beach”)
Two restarts
Section 1 -- R side-rock-cross, side-rock-cross (**restart#2), kick-ball-change, kick-ball-change
1 & 2Rock out to right, recover L, cross R over L
3 & 4Rock out to L, recover R, cross L over R
5 & 6, 7 & 8R kick-ball-change, R kick-ball-change
option wall 1: scuff-ball-change, scuff-ball-change as though your toes are in the sand to go with lyrics
Section 2 -- Mambo quarter, cross mambo (*restart#1), paddle & paddle & paddle & touch
1 & 2R mambo quarter turn (forward rock, recover, quarter step) – 3:00
3 & 4Cross left over right, recover right, side left
5 & 6 & 7 & 8Paddle three-fourths to the left: Right forward, pivot-quarter (12:00), forward, pivot-quarter (9:00), forward, pivot-quarter, touch (6:00)
Section 3 -- Triple forward, serpiente, quick sways L R L
1 & 2, 3 & 4Right triple forward, cross L over R, step back R, step L side
5 & 6, 7 & 8R behind-side-cross, quick sways left, right, left
Section 4 – Syncopated vine quarter, forward, forward, front mambo, back mambo, touch
1 2 & 3 4Right side, left behind, R quarter step, L forward, R forward (9:00)
5 & 6, 7 & 8Left front mambo, right mambo with touch
RESTART #1: On wall 4, start the dance at 3:00. Dance 12 counts, through the cross mambo, marked above with one asterisk), then restart. You’ll be at 6:00.
RESTART #2: On wall 9, starting at 6:00, dance the first 4 counts (as marked above with two asterisks), then restart. This is just repeating the mirrored pair of side-rock-crosses.
STYLING: Use your arms to convey throwing bread to birds, a girl waving, having troubles taken away and such.
ENDING: Last wall starts at 12:00. Dance through the quarter mambo, then do a cross mambo quarter, turning back to the left, to 12:00. (Cross L over right, step back right starting leftward turn, then step fwd left at 12:00.)
Last Update: 2 Oct 2022
Two restarts
Section 1 -- R side-rock-cross, side-rock-cross (**restart#2), kick-ball-change, kick-ball-change
1 & 2Rock out to right, recover L, cross R over L
3 & 4Rock out to L, recover R, cross L over R
5 & 6, 7 & 8R kick-ball-change, R kick-ball-change
option wall 1: scuff-ball-change, scuff-ball-change as though your toes are in the sand to go with lyrics
Section 2 -- Mambo quarter, cross mambo (*restart#1), paddle & paddle & paddle & touch
1 & 2R mambo quarter turn (forward rock, recover, quarter step) – 3:00
3 & 4Cross left over right, recover right, side left
5 & 6 & 7 & 8Paddle three-fourths to the left: Right forward, pivot-quarter (12:00), forward, pivot-quarter (9:00), forward, pivot-quarter, touch (6:00)
Section 3 -- Triple forward, serpiente, quick sways L R L
1 & 2, 3 & 4Right triple forward, cross L over R, step back R, step L side
5 & 6, 7 & 8R behind-side-cross, quick sways left, right, left
Section 4 – Syncopated vine quarter, forward, forward, front mambo, back mambo, touch
1 2 & 3 4Right side, left behind, R quarter step, L forward, R forward (9:00)
5 & 6, 7 & 8Left front mambo, right mambo with touch
RESTART #1: On wall 4, start the dance at 3:00. Dance 12 counts, through the cross mambo, marked above with one asterisk), then restart. You’ll be at 6:00.
RESTART #2: On wall 9, starting at 6:00, dance the first 4 counts (as marked above with two asterisks), then restart. This is just repeating the mirrored pair of side-rock-crosses.
STYLING: Use your arms to convey throwing bread to birds, a girl waving, having troubles taken away and such.
ENDING: Last wall starts at 12:00. Dance through the quarter mambo, then do a cross mambo quarter, turning back to the left, to 12:00. (Cross L over right, step back right starting leftward turn, then step fwd left at 12:00.)
Last Update: 2 Oct 2022