CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Days In The Sun

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Andrena Mcfarlane (SCO) & Heather Barton (SCO) - August 2022
Moments - Emerson Drive
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Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx. 18 secs

SEC 1: Back, Sweep, Weave, Side Rock Cross, ¼ Back, Side, ⅛ Step, Run Run
1Step right back sweeping left from front to back
2&3Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
4&5Rock right to right, recover weight onto left, cross right over left
6&7Turn ¼ right step left back, step right to right, turn ⅛ right step left forward (4:30)
8&Step right forward, step left forward

SEC 2: Step, ½ Pivot, Full Turn Sweep, Behind, ⅛ Side, Cross Rock, Side, Extended Weave
1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ left transferring weight onto left (10:30)
&3Unwind full turn right sweeping left from front to back (10:30)
4&Step right behind left, turn ⅛ left step left to left (9:00)
5-6&Cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left, step right to right
7&8&Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right
Restart Here on Wall 5, Change the & to turn ¼ right step right forward then add the following
1-2&Step left forward, rock right forward, recover weight onto left

SEC 3: Step, Sweep, ¼ Fallaway, Rock, ½ Step, Full Triple Turn
1Step left forward sweeping right from back to front
2&3Cross right over left, step left to left, turn ⅛ right step right back (10:30)
4&5Step left back, turn ⅛ right step right to right, step left forward (12:00)
6&7Rock right forward, recover weight onto left, turn ½ right step right forward (6:00)
8&1Turn ½ right step left back, turn ½ right step right forward, step left forward (6:00)

SEC 4: Rock, Back, Drag, Weave, Side Rock, ¼ Recover, Step, Sway, Sway
2&3Rock right forward, recover weight onto left, step right back dragging left towards right
4&5Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
6&7Rock right to right, turn ¼ left recover weight onto left, step right forward (3:00)
8&Step left to left swaying body left, sway body right

SEC 5: Nightclub Basic, Nightclub Basic, Side ¾ Spiral, Run Run, Step, Sweep
1-2&Step left to left, step right beside left, cross left over right
3-4&Step right to right, step left beside right, cross right over left
5Step left to left spiral ¾ turn right hooking right over left (12:00)
6&7Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward sweeping left from back to front (12:00)
Restart Here on Walls 2 and 4, Dance the Tag then Restart

SEC 6: ¼ Fallaway, Coaster Cross, ¾ Unwind Sweep, Reverse Rocking Chair
8&1Cross left over right, step right to right, turn ⅛ left step left back (10:30)
2&3Step right back, turn ⅛ left step left to left, cross right over left (9:00)
4&5Step left back, step right beside left, cross left over right
6Unwind ¾ turn right sweeping right from front to back (6:00)
7&8&Rock right back, recover weight onto left, rock right forward, recover weight onto left

Tag: After 39 counts of Walls 2 and 4
Weave, Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Side Rock
8&1Cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right
2&Step right behind left, step left to left
3&Cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left
4&Rock right to right, recover weight onto left

Last Update – 11 Sept. 2022


anniemac September 13, 2022
Beautiful dance to lovely music.

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