Intro: 16C (Approx. 12 Sec)
Restart after 31& of Wall 8 (facing 12:00)
with step changed: Turn 1/4 R Touch R toe forward, touch R beside L
Section 1: Forward Mambo - Back Mambo - Cross Mambo - Chasse Turn 1/4 L
1&2Step R forward, step L in place, close R together
3&4Step L backward, step R in place, close L together
5&6Step R to side, step L in place, cross R over L
7&8Step L to side, step R together, turn 1/4 L step L forward (09:00)
Section 2: Botafogo RL - Modified K Step
1&2Step R cross over L, step L ball to side, step R in place
3&4Step L cross over R, step R ball to side, step L in place
5&6&Step R diagonal forward, touch L next to R, step L diagonal back, touch R next to L
7&8&Step R diagonal back, touch L next to R, step L diagonal forward, touch R next to L (09:00)
Section 3: Walk RL Turn 1/4 R - Shuffle Turn 1/4 R - Walk LR Turn 1/4 R - Shuffle Turn 1/4 R
1-2Turn 1/8 R walk forward R, turn 1/8 R walk forward L (12:00)
3&4Turn 1/8 R Step R forward, step L together, turn 1/8 R step R forward (03:00)
5-6Turn 1/8 R walk forward L, turn 1/8 R walk forward R (06:00)
7&8Turn 1/8 R Step L forward, step R together, turn 1/8 R step L forward (09:00)
Section 4: Diamond Turn 1/4 R with Hitch - Syncopated Toe Touches Turn 1/4 R
1&2&Cross R over L, step L to side, turn 1/8 R step R back, hitch L
3&4Step L back, turn 1/8 R step R to side, step L forward
5&6&Touch R toe forward, heel R down, touch L toe forward, heel L down
7&8&Turn 1/4 R Touch R toe forward, heel R down, touch L toe forward, heel L down (03:00)
Thank you
Restart after 31& of Wall 8 (facing 12:00)
with step changed: Turn 1/4 R Touch R toe forward, touch R beside L
Section 1: Forward Mambo - Back Mambo - Cross Mambo - Chasse Turn 1/4 L
1&2Step R forward, step L in place, close R together
3&4Step L backward, step R in place, close L together
5&6Step R to side, step L in place, cross R over L
7&8Step L to side, step R together, turn 1/4 L step L forward (09:00)
Section 2: Botafogo RL - Modified K Step
1&2Step R cross over L, step L ball to side, step R in place
3&4Step L cross over R, step R ball to side, step L in place
5&6&Step R diagonal forward, touch L next to R, step L diagonal back, touch R next to L
7&8&Step R diagonal back, touch L next to R, step L diagonal forward, touch R next to L (09:00)
Section 3: Walk RL Turn 1/4 R - Shuffle Turn 1/4 R - Walk LR Turn 1/4 R - Shuffle Turn 1/4 R
1-2Turn 1/8 R walk forward R, turn 1/8 R walk forward L (12:00)
3&4Turn 1/8 R Step R forward, step L together, turn 1/8 R step R forward (03:00)
5-6Turn 1/8 R walk forward L, turn 1/8 R walk forward R (06:00)
7&8Turn 1/8 R Step L forward, step R together, turn 1/8 R step L forward (09:00)
Section 4: Diamond Turn 1/4 R with Hitch - Syncopated Toe Touches Turn 1/4 R
1&2&Cross R over L, step L to side, turn 1/8 R step R back, hitch L
3&4Step L back, turn 1/8 R step R to side, step L forward
5&6&Touch R toe forward, heel R down, touch L toe forward, heel L down
7&8&Turn 1/4 R Touch R toe forward, heel R down, touch L toe forward, heel L down (03:00)
Thank you