Advanced Beginner
Dance Info: Dance starts -wt on R–BPM [113:03] Track Length 4:47 - Version 1:00
Dance Starts on first set of lyrics..Tears Fall (quick start).
Left Side Basic, Right Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Cross, Side, Back with Sweep
1 2 &Step L to L side, Step R back behind L, Step L across R
3 4Rock R to R side, Replace L to L side-Turning your hip out to R side.
5 & 6Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L (hitching L)
7 & 8Cross L over R, Step R to R, Step back L-Sweeping R back
*Wall 13 Starts at 12:00-Dance the first 8 counts: facing 12:00 add the tag here*
1 2 &Rock back R, Replace fwd to L, Step R together: Restart 12:00
Sweep R Turning ¼ Back, Sweep L-Step Back, R Coaster, Fwd ½ Pivot Turn R, Step fwd, Fwd ½ Pivot Turn L, Step Fwd 3:00
1 2Turning ¼ R-Step back R-Sweeping L, Step back L,
3 & 4Step back R, Step L next to R, Step Fwd R
5 6 &Step Fwd L, ½ Pivot turn R-wt on R, Step Fwd L
7 8 &Step Fwd R, ½ Pivot turn L-wt on L, Step slightly fwd on R
Note: As above: Wall 13 - 2 & count tag facing 12:00 wall.
Lim Young Woong’s fine interpretation of this song, is very sensitive to the lyrics.
Dance Starts on first set of lyrics..Tears Fall (quick start).
Left Side Basic, Right Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Cross, Side, Back with Sweep
1 2 &Step L to L side, Step R back behind L, Step L across R
3 4Rock R to R side, Replace L to L side-Turning your hip out to R side.
5 & 6Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L (hitching L)
7 & 8Cross L over R, Step R to R, Step back L-Sweeping R back
*Wall 13 Starts at 12:00-Dance the first 8 counts: facing 12:00 add the tag here*
1 2 &Rock back R, Replace fwd to L, Step R together: Restart 12:00
Sweep R Turning ¼ Back, Sweep L-Step Back, R Coaster, Fwd ½ Pivot Turn R, Step fwd, Fwd ½ Pivot Turn L, Step Fwd 3:00
1 2Turning ¼ R-Step back R-Sweeping L, Step back L,
3 & 4Step back R, Step L next to R, Step Fwd R
5 6 &Step Fwd L, ½ Pivot turn R-wt on R, Step Fwd L
7 8 &Step Fwd R, ½ Pivot turn L-wt on L, Step slightly fwd on R
Note: As above: Wall 13 - 2 & count tag facing 12:00 wall.
Lim Young Woong’s fine interpretation of this song, is very sensitive to the lyrics.