CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bartender Pour Another Round

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Debbie Nishiki (USA) - August 2022
Over Drinkin' Under Thinkin' - Drake Milligan : (Album: Drake Milligan)
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Intro: 4 counts – Start dance with lyric 'Thinkin’

S1 (1-8) Cross Rocks, Shuffles
1,2,3&4Cross rock RF over L, Recover L, Step RF to R side, Step LF next to R, Step RF to R side (12:00)
5,6,7&8Cross rock LF over R, Recover R, Step LF to L side, Step RF next to L, Step LF to L side (12:00)

S2 (1-8) Weave w/point, Cross, Side, Together, Cross Shuffle
1,2,3,4Cross RF over L side, Step LF to side, Step RF behind, Point LF to L side (12:00)
5,6,&7&8Cross LF over R, Step RF to R side, Step LF next to R, Cross shuffle L stepping RLR (12:00)

S3 (1-8) Side Rock, Recover, ¼ L Sailor Step, Rocking Chair
1,2,3&4Side rock LF, Recover R, ¼ Step LF back behind R, Step RF to R, Step LF next to R (9:00)
5,6,7,8Rock forward RF, Recover L, Rock back RF, Recover L (9:00)
Tags: (Walls 3 and 7)

S4 (1-8) Rock, Recover, Step Toe back, Unwind ½ turn, ½ Shuffle, Rock back, Recover
1,2,3,4Rock forward on RF, Recover L, Step R toe back, Unwind ½ R turn (3:00)
5&6,7,8Make ½ turn R shuffling LRL, Rock back on RF, Recover on L (9:00)

(Start Over)

Tags: Happens on Walls 3 and 7 after 24 counts, 4 count tag, ½ L turn pivot (x2) and restart the dance.

Ending: Wall 11 (6:00) Dance 16 counts, (last 4 cts) Cross LF over R, R step, step LF next to R, Cross RF over L
(Scissor cross) and unwind facing front (12:00) and strike a pose!!



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