CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Arra (INA) - July 2022
Heaven (feat. Lyodra) - Calum Scott
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Intro : 8 Count

S.1 Walk Frwd with Sweep-Cross side-1/4 turn Left-1/2 turn Right-Fullturn
1&2Walk frwd R-L-R with sweep LF from back to front
3&4Cross LF over R-Step R to side-1/4 turn left step L back
5&6Recover to Rf-1/2 turn Right-Step Rf to back
7&8Recover to LF-1/2 turn Left step R to back-1/2 turn left step LF to frwd

S.2 Fwrd shuffle-1/4 turn Right-Cross-1/2 turn Right-Side Recover-Step diagonal frwd with hitch
1&2Step R to frwd-step L behind R-Step R to frwd
3&4Step LF to frwd-1/4 turn Right step R in place-Cross LF over R
5&61/4 turn left step R back-1/4 turn left step L to side-Cross RF over L
7&8Step LF to side-Recover to R-Step LF to diagonal frwd with R hitch (facing 13.30)

S.3 Back sweep twice-Coaster step-Frwd shuffle-1/2 turn right
1-2-3Step R to back with sweep L from front to back-Step L to back with sweep R from front to back-
Step R to back with sweep L from front to back
4&5Step L to back-Together R-Step L frwd
6&7Step R to frwd-Step L behind R-Step R to frwd
8&Step L to frwd-1/2 turn R step R in place (facing 07.30)

S.4 Step Frwd with sweep twice-Frwd Mambo with drag heel-Coaster step-Touch
1-2-3Step LF to frwd with sweep R from back to front-Step RF to frwd with sweep L from back to front-Step LF to frwd with sweep R from back to front
4&5Step R to frwd-Recover to L-Long step R back with LF drag heel
6&7 8Step LF to back-Together R-Step L to frwd-Touch RF beside L (Facing 07.30)

S.5: 1/8 turn Left Night club-1/2 Diamond step-Sway
1 2&1/8 turn left (06.00) Step R to right side-Step L behind R-Recover to R
3 4&Step L to left side-step R diagonal back-step L diagonal back (07.30)
5 6&Step R to side (09.00)-Step L diagonal frwd-Step R diagonal frwd (10.30)
7 8&1/8 turn R (12.00) step L to left side-Sway R-L with shoulder

S.6 Night Club-1/2 Diamond step-Sway
1 2&Step R to right side- step L behind R-Recover to R
3 4&Step L to left side-Step R diagonal back-Step L diagonal back (13.30)
5 6&Step R to right side (03.00)-Step L diagonal frwd-Step R diagonal frwd (04.30)
7 8&1/8 turn R (06.00) step R to right side-Sway R-L with shoulder

S.7 Step Frwd with sweep-Weave-Hitch-Diagonal walk-Back Shuffle
1 2&3&4Step R frwd with sweep LF from back to front-Cross LF over R-Step R to right side- Cross LF behid R-Step R to right side-Cross LF over R with hitch (04.30)
5&6Walk diagonal frwd R-L-R (04.30)
7&8Step LF to back-Cross RF over L-Step LF to back

S.8: 3/8 Step R to Side- Step Forward-Fullturn-Cross side hitch- Cross side touch.
& 13/8 Step R Step R to side-Touch LF to side body angel facing (09.00)
2&31/4 turn left Step L to frwd-1/2 turn left step R back-1/2 turn left step L frwd
4&5Cross RF over L-Step LF to side-Cross RF behind L with hitch
6&7&8&Step LF to back-Step RF to right side- L Cross rock-Recover to R-Step LF to Left side-Touch RF to beside L (facing 06.00)

Tag : 2 Count after Wall 1
1-2Step R to R side-Recover to L

Enjoy the dance



Marchy Susilani July 27, 2022
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