Easy Beginner
No tags - No restarts
#1st 8 count
1234Step right, together left, step right, together left (dipping right shoulder with right step)
5678Step left, together right, step left, together right (dipping left shoulder with left step)
#2nd 8 counts
1234Step forward right together left, step forward left together right
5678(Hand in lasso position) Giddy up Back feet right, left , Giddy Up Back feet right left
#3rd 8 count
1-8Heel jacks right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot
#4th 8 count
1234Giddy up 2x (feet right left) with 1/4 turn to left wall, bring right knee up slap need on count 4
5678Giddy up 2x (feet right left) at left wall
Start again - facing left wall
#1st 8 count
1234Step right, together left, step right, together left (dipping right shoulder with right step)
5678Step left, together right, step left, together right (dipping left shoulder with left step)
#2nd 8 counts
1234Step forward right together left, step forward left together right
5678(Hand in lasso position) Giddy up Back feet right, left , Giddy Up Back feet right left
#3rd 8 count
1-8Heel jacks right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot
#4th 8 count
1234Giddy up 2x (feet right left) with 1/4 turn to left wall, bring right knee up slap need on count 4
5678Giddy up 2x (feet right left) at left wall
Start again - facing left wall