CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Walkin' After Midnight

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Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - July 2022
Walkin' After Midnight - Patsy Cline : (Spotify / Apple Music / Deezer)
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[S1] Step-Pivot 1/4L-Cross-Kick-&, Side-Cross-Kick-&-1/4L
1 2Step forward on R, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L
3 4&Cross R over L, Kick diagonally forward on L, Step L behind R
5 6Step R to the side, Cross L over R
7&8Kick diagonally forward on R, Step R behind L, Making a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L

[S2] Dip-Point L, Dip-Point R, Lift L-R, Sailor 1/2R-Touch
1 2Step R to the side (as you dip), Straighten and point L toe to the side
3 4Shift weight to the left (as you dip), Straighten and point R toe to the side
5 6Step R in place/lift L diagonally forward, Step L in place/lift R diagonally forward
7&8Step R behind L making a ½ turn right, Step L beside R, Touch R next to L** (12:00)

[S3] Dorothy R-L 1/4L Turn, Fwd Rock-1/2R Fwd Shuffle
1 2&Step diagonally forward on R, Lock/step L behind R, Step forward on R
3 4&Make a ¼ turn left stepping diagonally forward on L, Lock/step R behind L, Step forward on L
5 6Rock forward on R, Replace weight on L
7&8Making a ½ turn right shuffle forward on R-L-R (3:00)

[S4] Cross-Point R, Cross-Point L, Back, Back, Back, Touch
1 2Cross L over R, Point R to the right
3 4Cross R over L, Point L to the left
5 6Step back on L, Step back on R
7 8Step back on L, Touch R next to L

Restart on Wall 5 count 16** (12:00)

Ending suggestion; The last wall starts facing 3:00. Dance up to S4 count 7 (6:00), then
Make a 1/2R turn stepping forward on R (12:00)

Last Update - 6 July 2022


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