CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Smoky Mountain Rain

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - May 2022
Smoky Mountain Rain - Ronnie Milsap
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**2 easy restarts (walls 5 &6), 1easy tag (between walls 5 & 6)

Dance begins after 16 counts

[1-8]: Diagonal step touches 2x forward and 2x back, sway R, L, R, behind side
1&2&Step R forward at right diagonal (1), touch L to R (&), step L forward at left diagonal (2), touch R to L (&)
3&4&Step R back at right diagonal (3), touch L to R (&), step L back at left diagonal (4), touch R to L (&)
5-6Step R to right and sway right (5), sway to L (6)
7Sway to R (7)
8&Step L behind R (8), step R to right (&)

[9-16]: Cross step, R scissor step with cross shuffle, Sway L and R, modified L rumba box back with hitch
1Step L across R
2&3&4Step R to right (2), step L to R (&), cross step R over L (3), bring ball of L to R (&), cross step R over L (4)
5-6Step L to left and sway left (5), sway R (6)
7&8&Step L to left (7), step R to L (&), step L back (8), hitch R knee (&)
**Restart here after Walls 5 & 6 (facing the 12:00 wall) There will be a 2 count tag between walls 5 & 6**

[17-24]: Syncopated turning vine with hitches, side step touches, R side shuffle with ¼ turn right, L chase turn right
1&2&Step R forward, turning ¼ right (3:00) (1), hitch L knee, turning ¼ right (6:00) (&), step L back turning ¼ right (9:00) (2), hitch R knee, turning ¼ right (back to 12:00)
3&4&Step R to right (3), touch L to R (&), step L to left (4), touch R to L (&)
5&6step R to right (5), step L to R (&), step R forward, turning ¼ right (6) (3:00)
7&8Step L forward (7), pivot ½ right, putting weight to R (&), step L forward (8) (9:00)

[25-32]: Forward touch-back hitch- R lock step, forward touch-back hitch- L lock step
1&2&step R forward (1), touch L toes to R heel (&), step L back (2), hitch R across L (&)
3&4step R forward (3), step L behind R (&), step R forward (4)
5&6&step L forward (5), touch R toes to L heel (&), step R back (6), hitch L across R (&)
7&8step L forward (7), step R behind L (&), step L forward (8)

[33-40]: Modified rumba box, R basic night-club, L grape vine
1-2&Step R forward (1), step L to left (2), step R to L (&)
3-4&Step L back (3), step R to right (4), step L to R (&)
5-6&Step R to right (5), rock L behind R (6), recover to R (&)
7&8&Step L to left (7), step R behind L (&), step L to left (8), touch R to L (&)

Tag - (2 counts - after 16 counts of Wall 5 - facing 12:00): Step R to right and sway right (1), sway L (2)

End of dance: The song ends after 8 counts of Wall 8. You can either turn your diagonal step touches in the first 4 counts to the right, as the music is fading, or simply dance straight through count 8 and end up at the front wall!




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