CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Party Patch

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Chris Hall (USA) - May 2022
(There may be more than one version of this song; this version is approx 3:35 long; thanks for the song suggestion, Katie!!)

Intro: 32 counts (start when Blake says “Whoa, get ready…”)
Dedication: For my Dusty Armadillo family. I’m going to miss you all so very much. Thank you for 14 unforgettable years. I love you!

Cross-Step, Right Sailor, Cross-Step, Left Sailor
1-2Cross right over left, step left to side
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side
5-6Cross left over right, step right to side
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left to side

½ Turn Left, Triple Full Turn Left, Rock-Recover, Coaster Step
1-2Step right forward, turn ½ left (weight to left) (6:00)
3&4Step right-left-right turning a full turn to left (keep progressing towards 6:00) (6:00)
(alt step: shuffle forward right-left-right)
5-6Rock left forward, recover to right
7&8Step left back, step right together, step left forward

Right Diagonal Forward, Left Diagonal Forward, Side Points (x4)
1-2Step right diagonal forward, touch left together
3-4Step left diagonal forward, touch right together
5&6&Point right side, step right down, point left side, step left down
7&8&Point right side, step right down, point left side, step left down

Right Diagonal Back, Left Diagonal Back, Cross, Unwind Full Turn
1-2Step right diagonal back, touch left together
3-4Step left diagonal back, touch right together
5Cross right over left
6-7-8Unwind full turn left (weight to left) (6:00) (alt step for 5-8: right jazz box - cross right over left, step left back, step right to side, step left together)


Tag: Shake Right, Shake Left, Body Roll, & Hop Forward, & Hop Back
1-4Step right side while shaking hips (2 cts), touch left together (2 cts) (“shake that”)
5-8Step left side while shaking hips (2 cts), touch right together (2 cts) (“work that”)
9-12Body roll from knees-up (take your time; maybe shake your hips if you have time at the end) (“drop that”)
&13-14Hop forward (right-left), hold (weight to left) (“put your hands up”)
&15-16Hop back (right-left), hold (weight to left) (“now shake”)
Tag will be done after wall 3 and after wall 6 as Pitbull sings “Shake that, shake that…”


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