CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Whateva Makes That Thang Float

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Michelle Wright (USA) - May 2022
TAG: 4 count tag end of walls 1 and 6 Restart after 16 on wall 3
Dance starts 16 counts in on the word “Country”

Section 1: Side, behind, Ball, Crossing shuffle,¼ turning Diagonal hip pushes
1,2&Step R to R side, Cross L behind R, Step R next to L
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
5,6⅛ turn R Step R to R diagonal as you push R hip forward, push hip Back over L
7,8⅛ turn R pushing hip R, Push Hip back over L (Weight on L) (3:00)

Section 2: R coaster step, Step ¼ pivot, Crossing shuffle ¼,½
1&2Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward
3,4Step L forward, ¼ turn R putting weight on R (6:00)
5&6Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
7,8¼ turn L stepping L R back, ½ turn L stepping L forward (9:00)
Restart here on wall 3 completing a ¼ turn to face 12:00 16 counts ends facing 3 oclock.
Restart includes making a ¼ turn like you would if you were starting the next section.

Section 3: ¼ hip roll, L&R hip sways, L Sailor, ½ turning R Sailor
1,2¼ turn L stepping R to R side as you Roll hips from L to R, finish roll weight on R (6:00)
3,4sway hips L, Sway hips R
5&6Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
7&8¼ R stepping R behind L. ¼ turn R stepping L to L side, Step R forward (12:00)

Section 4: L&R Dorothy L Rock recover, ¾ turning triple
1,2&Step L to L diagonal, Step R behind L, Step L forward
3,4&Step R to R diagonal, Step L behind R, Step R forward
5,6Step L forward, Recover on R
7&8¼ turn L stepping L to L side, ¼ turn L Stepping R next to L, ¼ turn L stepping L forward (3:00)

Tag: Hip sways
1,2Sway hips R, Sway hips L
3,4Sway hips R, Sway hips L

Ending: Dance ends on wall 8 facing 3 oclock. Finish dance by Making a ¼ turn L stepping R to R side to end facing 12 Oclock
End of dance

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