Dance starts after 16 counts
Set 1: Right Step lock step, scuff, left Step lock step, scuff
1-4step forward with RF, lock LF behind RF, step forward with RF, scuff LF beside RF
5-8step forward with LF, lock RF behind LF, step forward with LF, scuff RF beside LF
Set 2: Side, scuff, side scuff, vine right with scuff
1,2step right with RF, scuff LF beside RF
3,4step left with LF, scuff RF beside LF
5-8step right with RF, cross LF behind RF, step right with RF, scuff LF beside RF
Set 3: Vine left ¼ left turn with a scuff, right rocking chair
1-2step left with LF, cross RF behind LF
3-4turn ¼ left and step LF forward, scuff RF beside
5-6rock right forward, recover on LF
7-8rock right back, recover on LF
Set 4: Step turn ¼ left, cross, hold, 2x ¼ right turn, cross hold
1-2step RF forward, turn ¼ left with weight on RF and recover on LF,
3-4cross RF over LF, hold
5step back with LF while turning ¼ right
6step forward with RF while turning ¼ right
7-8cross LF over RF, hold
Restart here in in Wall 2 (facing 3 o’clock)
Set 5: ½ rumba box right forward, hold, ½ rumba box left forward, hold
1-4step right with RF, step LF beside RF, step RF forward, hold
5-8step left with LF, step RF beside LF, step LF forward, hold
Restart here in in Wall 6 (facing 12 o’clock)
Set 6: Step turn ½, step, hold, 3 step full turn, hold
1-2step RF fwd. make ½ left turn with weight on right, recover on left
3-4step RF forward, hold
5-6¼ right turn stepping back, ½ turn left stepping side,
7-8¼ turn left stepping forward, hold
Easy option: replace counts 5-8 with 3 steps forward (RF, LF, RF), hold
Set 7: ½ rumba box right forward, hold, left scissor step, hold
1-4step right with RF, step LF beside RF, step RF forward, hold
5-8step left with LF, step RF beside LF, cross LF over RF, hold
Set 8: right scissor step, hold, vine left ¼ turn with a scuff
1-4step right with RF, step LF beside RF, cross RF over LF hold
5-6step left with LF, cross RF behind LF
7-8turn ¼ left and step LF forward, scuff RF beside
TAG: 8 count tag:
1-2step diagonal forward with LF, touch LF beside RF
3-4step left with LF, touch RF beside LF
5-6step diagonal back with RF, touch LF beside RF
7-8step left with LF, touch RF beside LF
There are 2 easy Restarts in Wall 2 and 5 and there is an 8-count tag at the end of wall 3 (facing 6 o’clock) After the tag start at the beginning.
Ending: At the end of the dance, you are facing 6 o’clock, before you do the last 4 counts of set 8. With the scuff on count 8, when you do the scuff of the quarter turning vine, use the momentum and turn farther so you face 12 o’clock and strike a pose.
Have fun
Set 1: Right Step lock step, scuff, left Step lock step, scuff
1-4step forward with RF, lock LF behind RF, step forward with RF, scuff LF beside RF
5-8step forward with LF, lock RF behind LF, step forward with LF, scuff RF beside LF
Set 2: Side, scuff, side scuff, vine right with scuff
1,2step right with RF, scuff LF beside RF
3,4step left with LF, scuff RF beside LF
5-8step right with RF, cross LF behind RF, step right with RF, scuff LF beside RF
Set 3: Vine left ¼ left turn with a scuff, right rocking chair
1-2step left with LF, cross RF behind LF
3-4turn ¼ left and step LF forward, scuff RF beside
5-6rock right forward, recover on LF
7-8rock right back, recover on LF
Set 4: Step turn ¼ left, cross, hold, 2x ¼ right turn, cross hold
1-2step RF forward, turn ¼ left with weight on RF and recover on LF,
3-4cross RF over LF, hold
5step back with LF while turning ¼ right
6step forward with RF while turning ¼ right
7-8cross LF over RF, hold
Restart here in in Wall 2 (facing 3 o’clock)
Set 5: ½ rumba box right forward, hold, ½ rumba box left forward, hold
1-4step right with RF, step LF beside RF, step RF forward, hold
5-8step left with LF, step RF beside LF, step LF forward, hold
Restart here in in Wall 6 (facing 12 o’clock)
Set 6: Step turn ½, step, hold, 3 step full turn, hold
1-2step RF fwd. make ½ left turn with weight on right, recover on left
3-4step RF forward, hold
5-6¼ right turn stepping back, ½ turn left stepping side,
7-8¼ turn left stepping forward, hold
Easy option: replace counts 5-8 with 3 steps forward (RF, LF, RF), hold
Set 7: ½ rumba box right forward, hold, left scissor step, hold
1-4step right with RF, step LF beside RF, step RF forward, hold
5-8step left with LF, step RF beside LF, cross LF over RF, hold
Set 8: right scissor step, hold, vine left ¼ turn with a scuff
1-4step right with RF, step LF beside RF, cross RF over LF hold
5-6step left with LF, cross RF behind LF
7-8turn ¼ left and step LF forward, scuff RF beside
TAG: 8 count tag:
1-2step diagonal forward with LF, touch LF beside RF
3-4step left with LF, touch RF beside LF
5-6step diagonal back with RF, touch LF beside RF
7-8step left with LF, touch RF beside LF
There are 2 easy Restarts in Wall 2 and 5 and there is an 8-count tag at the end of wall 3 (facing 6 o’clock) After the tag start at the beginning.
Ending: At the end of the dance, you are facing 6 o’clock, before you do the last 4 counts of set 8. With the scuff on count 8, when you do the scuff of the quarter turning vine, use the momentum and turn farther so you face 12 o’clock and strike a pose.
Have fun