Absolute Beginner
No restarts/tags
Begin on “love” 17 count intro.
[1-8] Vine right, vine 1/4 left
1-4Step R to right side, L behind R, R to right, L touch next to R
5-8Step L to left side, R behind L, L to left, R touch next to L
[1-8] Forward diagonal step touches with claps, 1/4 paddle turns x2
1-2Step R diagonally right forward, L touch next to R with clap,
3-4Step L diagonally left forward, R touch next to L with quick double clap,
5-8Step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step R forward, turn 1/4 left
[1-8] Forward diagonal step touches with claps, 1/4 paddle turns x2
1-2Step R diagonally right forward, L touch next to R with clap,
3-4Step L diagonally left forward, R touch next to L with quick double clap,
5-8Step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step R forward, turn 1/4 left
[1-8] Sways with flicks
1-4Sway hips right, left, right, flick L behind R,
5-8Sway hips left, right, left, flick R behind L.
** This dance can be 1 wall with the 1/4 left vine changed to a left vine with no turn that will work for Contra with wide step touches to exchange places.
**Also a Level 1 option for a variety of higher level split floors.
( Not limited to Level 1 : )
Last Update: 2 May 2022
Begin on “love” 17 count intro.
[1-8] Vine right, vine 1/4 left
1-4Step R to right side, L behind R, R to right, L touch next to R
5-8Step L to left side, R behind L, L to left, R touch next to L
[1-8] Forward diagonal step touches with claps, 1/4 paddle turns x2
1-2Step R diagonally right forward, L touch next to R with clap,
3-4Step L diagonally left forward, R touch next to L with quick double clap,
5-8Step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step R forward, turn 1/4 left
[1-8] Forward diagonal step touches with claps, 1/4 paddle turns x2
1-2Step R diagonally right forward, L touch next to R with clap,
3-4Step L diagonally left forward, R touch next to L with quick double clap,
5-8Step R forward, turn 1/4 left, step R forward, turn 1/4 left
[1-8] Sways with flicks
1-4Sway hips right, left, right, flick L behind R,
5-8Sway hips left, right, left, flick R behind L.
** This dance can be 1 wall with the 1/4 left vine changed to a left vine with no turn that will work for Contra with wide step touches to exchange places.
**Also a Level 1 option for a variety of higher level split floors.
( Not limited to Level 1 : )
Last Update: 2 May 2022