Count In: 32 Ct
Notes: So many opportunities for variations!
Have fun and enjoy!
[1 – 8] R Grapevine w/ Flick, L Grapevine w/ 1/4 L turn Hitch 9:00
1 2Step R to R side, Cross L behind R 12:00
3 4Step R to R side, Flick L behind R leg 12:00
5 6Step L to L side, Cross R behind L 12:00
7 8Step L w/ 1/4 L, Hitch R knee 9:00
Styling: Make both “flick” and “hitch” a touch if too complicated for group. Yöu can also make this a one wall dance by not doing a 1/4 w/ your L GV depending on your group.
[9 – 16] R Jazz box, R touch x4 9:00
1 2R > L, L steps back 9:00
3 4R steps to the R side, L steps fwd 9:00
5 6Touch R to side x2 9:00
7 8Touch R to side x2 9:00
Styling: Last 4 cts depending on crowd I like to jump up n down 4 times. Less peppy crowds I offer fist pumping in addition to the touches.
Notes: So many opportunities for variations!
Have fun and enjoy!
[1 – 8] R Grapevine w/ Flick, L Grapevine w/ 1/4 L turn Hitch 9:00
1 2Step R to R side, Cross L behind R 12:00
3 4Step R to R side, Flick L behind R leg 12:00
5 6Step L to L side, Cross R behind L 12:00
7 8Step L w/ 1/4 L, Hitch R knee 9:00
Styling: Make both “flick” and “hitch” a touch if too complicated for group. Yöu can also make this a one wall dance by not doing a 1/4 w/ your L GV depending on your group.
[9 – 16] R Jazz box, R touch x4 9:00
1 2R > L, L steps back 9:00
3 4R steps to the R side, L steps fwd 9:00
5 6Touch R to side x2 9:00
7 8Touch R to side x2 9:00
Styling: Last 4 cts depending on crowd I like to jump up n down 4 times. Less peppy crowds I offer fist pumping in addition to the touches.