CopperKnob Stepsheets

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YOU by My Side

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Easy Intermediate
Hege Langhelle (NOR) - April 2022
If I Can't Have You - Tone Damli
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**2 restarts - *1 tag

(1-8) step,step,lock,step,2walks,1/2pivot,1/2,1/2.
1-2&3Rf step fwd(1), Lf step fwd(2), Rf lock behind Lf(&), Lf step fwd(3).
4-8Rf step fwd(4), Lf step fwd(5), 1/2R weight on Rf(6), 1/2R Lf step back(7), 1/2R Rf step fwd(8).(6.00)

(9-16) Dorothy to L diagonal,step lock step to R diagonal,cross,1/4,chasse`.
1-2&Lf step fwd to L diagonal(1), Rf lock behind Lf(2), Lf step fwd to L diagonal(&).
3&4Rf step fwd to R diagonal(3), Lf lock behind Rf(&), Rf steo fwd to R diagonal(4).
5-6Lf cross over Lf(5), 1/4L Rf step back(6).
7&8Lf step L(7), Rf beside Lf(&), Lf step L(8).(3.00)

(17-24) crossrock,side,crossrock,3/4box,slide,hold.
1&2Rf cross over Lf(1), recover to Lf(&),Rf step R(2).
3&4Lf cross over Rf(3), recover to Rf(&), 1/4L Lf step fwd(4).(12.00)
5-81/4L Rf step back(5), 1/4L Lf step fwd(6), Rf slide R(7), hold(8).(6:00)

(25-32) ballcross,side,weave,siderock,weave.
&1-2Ball of Lf beside Rf(&), Rf cross over Lf(1), Lf step L(2).
3&4Rf behind Lf(3),Lf step L(&), Rf cross over Lf(4).
5-6Lf rock L(5), recover to Rf(6),
7&8Lf behind Rf(7), Rf step R(&), Lf cross over Rf(8).

(33-40) Ballrockx3,3/4shuffle
&1-2Ball of Rf beside Lf(&), Lf rock fwd (body will be facing 7.30(1), recover to Rf(2).
&3-4Ball of Lf beside Rf(&), Rf rock fwd(3), recover to Lf(4).
&5-6Ball of Rf beside Lf(&), Lf rock fwd(5), recover to Rf(6)
7&81/4L Lf step fwd(7), 1/4L Rf beside Lf(&), 1/4L Lf step fwd(8),(9.00)
Restart here in walls 2 and 4

(41-48) Rumbabox with shuffles.
1-2Rf step R(1), Lf beside Rf(2).
3&4Rf step back(3), Lf beside Rf(&), Rf step back(4).
5-6Lf step L(5), Rf beside Lf(6).
7&8Lf step fwd(7), Rf beside Lf(&), Lf step fwd(8).(9.00)

Tag after wall 5:
Rock fwd, coaster, ball
1-2Rf rock fwd(1), recover to Lf(2).
3&4&Rf step back(3), Lf beside Rf(&), Rf step fwd(4), ball of Lf beside Rf(&).


Chandrani April 28, 2022
Nice choreography 🤗

hege langhelle April 30, 2022
Thank you❤️Happy you like it💃💃🥰

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