Intro: 32 Counts
Cross Point R/L, Jazz Box to R
1-4Step R fwd. Point L to L side, Step L fwd. point R to R side
5-8Step R over L, step back on L turning ¼ R, step on R, step on L
Step Fwd. R/L/R, Turn ½ around to L, Vine to R
1-8Step R/L/R turning ½ to L, step on L, Step R, L behind R, step on R, touch L to R
Vine L, Rocking Chair
1-4Step L, step R behind L, step L, touch R to L,
5-8Step R fwd. Rock back on L, rock back on R, Return fwd. to L
Pivot ½ L, V Step
1-4Step R fwd. weight on L turning ¼ L, Step fwd. on R, weight on L turning ¼ L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonal, Step L to L side, step R back diagonal, Step on R, step on L
That’s it! Just a fun song with no words. No tags either! Have fun and let me know if you like it!
Last Update - 16 Apr 2022
Cross Point R/L, Jazz Box to R
1-4Step R fwd. Point L to L side, Step L fwd. point R to R side
5-8Step R over L, step back on L turning ¼ R, step on R, step on L
Step Fwd. R/L/R, Turn ½ around to L, Vine to R
1-8Step R/L/R turning ½ to L, step on L, Step R, L behind R, step on R, touch L to R
Vine L, Rocking Chair
1-4Step L, step R behind L, step L, touch R to L,
5-8Step R fwd. Rock back on L, rock back on R, Return fwd. to L
Pivot ½ L, V Step
1-4Step R fwd. weight on L turning ¼ L, Step fwd. on R, weight on L turning ¼ L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonal, Step L to L side, step R back diagonal, Step on R, step on L
That’s it! Just a fun song with no words. No tags either! Have fun and let me know if you like it!
Last Update - 16 Apr 2022