CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Glenn Ball (USA) & Roy Verdonk (NL) - February 2022
edamame (feat. Rich Brian) - bbno$ : (Clean version)
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Intro: 8 Counts, Start at approx 4 secs
Sequence: A, B, B, A, B, B, A

Part A
SEC 1- Heel, Fan Toe, Step, Brush, ¼ Turn Hitch, Side, Coaster Step, Twist Body, ¼ Pivot
1&2Touch right heel forward, fan right toe to right, return right to centre stepping onto right
3&4Brush left forward, turn ¼ right hitch left, step left to left (3:00)
5&6Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward (slap hands on hips)
&78Twist body 1/8 left, twist body 1/8 right, pivot ¼ left transferring weight onto left (12:00)

SEC 2- Swivels with Knees, Press Rock, Side Shuffle
1&Twist right heel to right bending right knee in, return right to centre (Throw right arm forward)
2&Twist left heel to left bending left knee in, return left to centre (Throw left arm forward)
3&Twist right heel to right bending right knee in, return right to centre (Throw right arm forward)
4&Twist right heel to right Bending right knee in, return right to centre (Throw right arm forward)
5-6Step left to left, close Left foot to right foot
7&8Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left

SEC 3- Sweep, ¼ Turn, Coaster Step, Body Roll Down, Body Roll Up, Run, Run
1-2Sweep/ Ronde right from front to back making ¼ turn right (3:00)
3&4Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5-6Body roll from head to toe over 2 counts
7&8Body roll from toe to head, step left forward, step right forward

SEC 4- ¼ Turn Side Drag, ¼ Turn Touch, Coaster Step, Step, Look ¼ Turn Heel Bounces
1-2Turn ¼ right step left to left dragging right towards left, turn ¼ right touch right beside left (9:00)
3&4Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, turn head ¼ right to look at 12:00 body still facing 9:00 (9:00)
7&8&Turn ¼ right Bouncing both heels 4 times weight ends on left (12:00)

Part B
SEC 1- Kick Ball Cross, Heel V-Step, Side Rock, Jump
1&2Kick right to right diagonal, step right beside left, cross left over right
3&4&Step right heel to right diagonal, step left heel to left, step right back, step left beside right
5-6Rock right to right, recover weight onto left
7&Jump to left both feet together, jump to left both feet together (starting to turn ¼ to right)
8&Jump left to left kicking right to right diagonal, bend right knee (completing ¼ turn) (3:00)

SEC 2- Look, ½ Turn Paddle, Arms
1Step forward on right leg 3:00 (3:00)
2-3-4Turn ⅛ right step left to left, turn ¼ right step left to left, turn ⅛ right step left to left (9:00)
5&Brush left shoulder with right hand, brush left shoulder with right hand
6&Brush right hand back on right hip, place right hand on right hip
7&8Turn head ¼ right to face 12:00 body still facing 9:00, turn head ¼ left to face 9:00. click left hand to left

SEC 3- Samba Basic. Modified Samba Basic (Cross, Back, Together), ½ Turn Volta, Side, Together
1&2Cross right over left, rock left to left, recover weight onto right
3&4Cross left over right, step right back, step left beside right
5&Turn ⅛ right cross right over left, step left to left (10:30)
6&Turn ¼ right cross right over left, step left to left (1:30)
7&8Turn ⅛ right cross right over left, step left to left, tap right beside left (no weight change) (3:00)

SEC 4- Syncopated Vine Drag, ½ Turn Box, Coaster Step
1Step right to right
2&3Step left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
4Step right to right dragging left towards right
5-6Turn ¼ left step left to left, turn ¼ left step right to right (9:00)
7&8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward


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