CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Love Is Not Hard To Find

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Aurora de Jong (USA) - April 2022
Dance begins after 16 counts
There are 2 restarts after 16 counts on Walls 2 and 5

[1-8]: Weave left, cross rock, 1/4 right shuffle (3:00)
1~4Step R across L (1), step L to left (2), step R behind L (3), step L to left (4)
5~6Rock R across L (5), recover to L (6)
7&8Step right forward turning 1/4 right (7), step L to R (&), step R forward (8) (3:00)
**To end at the 12:00 wall, don't make the 1/4 turn in count 7 on Wall 11, just do a side shuffle, OR a full turning shuffle to the right for extra fun!**

[9-16]: 1/4 right (6:00) left grapevine (1/2 figure 8), cross behind and point (6:00)
1~3Step L to left, turning 1/4 right (6:00) (1), step R behind L (2), step L forward, turning 1/4 left (3:00) (3)
4~5Step R forward (4), pivot 1/2 left putting weight to L (5) (9:00)
6~8Step R to right, turning 1/4 left (6:00) (6), step L behind R (7), point R to right (8)
** Restart here on Walls 2 and 5 **

[17-24]: cross point, modified 1/4 left L Monterey, R pony back, L back rock recover
1~2Step R across L (1), point L to left (2)
3~4Step L to R, pivoting 1/4 left on R foot (3) (3:00), point R to right (4)
5&6R pony back: Step R back, bending L knee slightly and “sitting” into R hip (5), step ball of L to R (&), step R back, bending L knee slightly and “sitting” into R hip (6)
7~8Rock L back, bending R knee and “sitting” into L hip (7), recover to R (8)

[25-32]: 1/4 right L step touch, 1/4 right R step touch, L forward rock recover, 1/2 left shuffle
1~2Step L to left, turning 1/4 right (6:00) (1), touch R to L (2)
3~4Step R to right, turning 1/4 right (9:00) (3), touch L to R (4)
5~6Rock L forward (5), recover to R (6)
7&8Step L forward turning 1/2 left (3:00) (7), bring R to L (&), step L forward (8)

Dance ends after 8 counts of Wall 11. Do a non-turning side shuffle on counts 7&8 OR a full turning shuffle to the right for extra fun! :-)




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