CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dodging Potholes

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Carol Cotherman (USA) - April 2022
Sand In My Boots - Morgan Wallen
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#10-count intro.

Step, Step, ½, ½, Sweep, Behind, Side, Crossing Triple, Sway, Sway
1-2&3&Step left forward, step right forward, ½ pivot left taking weight to left, ½ half turn left on ball of left stepping right back, sweep left from front to back
4&5&6Step left behind right, step right to side, step left over right, step right ball to side, step left over right
7-8Sway right, sway left (12:00)

Behind, Side, Crossing Triple, Sway, Sway, ½ Sailor Step, Step, Sweep
1&2&3Step right behind left, step left to side, step right over left, step left ball to side, step right over left
4-5Sway left, sway right
6&7-8&½ turn left sweeping left around and behind right, step right in place, step left slightly forward, step right forward across left, sweep left from back to front (6:00)

¾ Fallaway Diamond
1&2Step left over right, step right to side, 1/8 turn left stepping left back (4:30)
3&4Step right back, 1/8 turn left stepping left to side, 1/8 turn left, stepping right forward (1:30)
5&6Step left over right, 1/8 turn left stepping right to side, 1/8 turn left back (10:30)
7&81/8 turn left stepping right back, step left by right, step right forward (9:00)

¼ Turn into Nightclub Step, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, Cross, ½ Unwind, Coaster Step
1-2&¼ Turn right stepping left to side, rock right behind left, recover to left over right
3-4&Step right to side, step left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping right forward (3:00)
5-6Step left forward slightly over right, unwind ½ turn right keeping weight on left
7&8Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward (9:00)

Feel the music and let the dance flow!

#2 Tags: After Wall 1 facing 9:00 and Wall 2 facing 6:00
Cross Walk (2X)
1-2Step left forward slightly over right, step right forward slightly over left

Restart: Wall 4 – Dance through count 30, changing counts 29-30 to Step, ½ Turn Right taking weight to right.


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