#16 counts intro
Section 1: Side rock, recover, cross shuffle, side, ¼ turn, cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left
3&4Step right foot across in front of left, step left to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot
5 – 6Step left foot to left side, turn ¼ right and step right foot to right side (3:00)
7&8Step left foot across in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot across in front of right
Section 2: Walk, walk, anchor step, rock, recover, step turn ½ right
1 – 2Facing 4:30 walk forward on right, walk forward on left (4:30)
3&4Rock right foot behind of left, recover (rock) onto left foot, step down on right foot behind of left
5 – 6Rock left foot back, recover weight onto right foot
7 – 8Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn step down on right foot (10:30)
Section 3: Side, behind, chassé ¼ turn, step forward, step cross, back-side-cross
1 – 2¼ turn right step left to left side, step right behind of left (1:30)
3&4Step left to left side, step right next to left, ¼ turn left step left foot forward (10:30)
5 – 6Step right foot forward, 1/8 turn left step left foot across of right (9:00)
7&8¼ turn step right foot back, left step left to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot (6:00)
Section 4: Side, hold, together, side, rock back, recover, ½ turn, hook, step forward
1 - 2&Step left to left side, hold, step right next to left
3 – 4Step left to left side, rock back onto right foot
5 – 6Recover weight onto left, ½ turn left step back on right foot (12:00)
7 – 8Hook left foot in front of right shin, step left foot forward
Section 5: Rock, recover, ¾ triple turn right, rock, recover, walk back x 2
1 – 2Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left foot
3&4Turn ¾ to left stepping right left, right (3/4 shuffle turn) (9:00)
5 – 6Rock left foot forward, recover weigh onto right
7 – 8Step left foot back popping right knee forward, step right foot back popping left knee forward
Section 6: Side, touch, side touch, hinge turn, sailor step
1 – 2¼ turn left step left foot to left side, touch right next to left (6:00)
3 – 4Step right foot to right side, touch left next to right
5 – 6¼ turn left step left forward, ¼ turn left step right to right side (12:00)
7&8Step left behind of right, step right small step to right side, step left small step to left side
Section 7: Cross, side, coaster step, step turn ½ right, ½ turn, ½ turn
1 – 2Step right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side
3&4Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward
5 – 6Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn to right step down on right foot (6:00)
7 – 8½ turn right step back in left foot, ½ turn right step forward on right foot (6:00)
Section 8: Rock, recover, together. rock, recover, step back, together, kick-ball-cross
1 – 2&Rock left foot forward, recover on right, step left next to right
3 – 4Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left
5 – 6Step right foot a bit longer step back, step left foot next to right
7&8Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, step left foot across in front of right
Tag: 16 count tag after wall 2
Dance the full section 1, walk, walk, anchor step, 3/8 turn step forward, forward, scissor step
1 – 8Repeat section 1 counts 1-8
9 - 12Repeat section 2 counts 1-4
13 – 14Turn 3/8 left and step left foot forward, step right foot forward
15&16Scissor step: Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left across in front of right foot (you will be facing 12:00 to restart the dance again
Ending: You will be facing 12:00
Dance section 1 without turning, end by doing 7 sway – right, left, right, left, right, left, right
Enjoy the music and the dance!
Section 1: Side rock, recover, cross shuffle, side, ¼ turn, cross shuffle
1 – 2Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left
3&4Step right foot across in front of left, step left to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot
5 – 6Step left foot to left side, turn ¼ right and step right foot to right side (3:00)
7&8Step left foot across in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot across in front of right
Section 2: Walk, walk, anchor step, rock, recover, step turn ½ right
1 – 2Facing 4:30 walk forward on right, walk forward on left (4:30)
3&4Rock right foot behind of left, recover (rock) onto left foot, step down on right foot behind of left
5 – 6Rock left foot back, recover weight onto right foot
7 – 8Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn step down on right foot (10:30)
Section 3: Side, behind, chassé ¼ turn, step forward, step cross, back-side-cross
1 – 2¼ turn right step left to left side, step right behind of left (1:30)
3&4Step left to left side, step right next to left, ¼ turn left step left foot forward (10:30)
5 – 6Step right foot forward, 1/8 turn left step left foot across of right (9:00)
7&8¼ turn step right foot back, left step left to left side, step right foot across in front of left foot (6:00)
Section 4: Side, hold, together, side, rock back, recover, ½ turn, hook, step forward
1 - 2&Step left to left side, hold, step right next to left
3 – 4Step left to left side, rock back onto right foot
5 – 6Recover weight onto left, ½ turn left step back on right foot (12:00)
7 – 8Hook left foot in front of right shin, step left foot forward
Section 5: Rock, recover, ¾ triple turn right, rock, recover, walk back x 2
1 – 2Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left foot
3&4Turn ¾ to left stepping right left, right (3/4 shuffle turn) (9:00)
5 – 6Rock left foot forward, recover weigh onto right
7 – 8Step left foot back popping right knee forward, step right foot back popping left knee forward
Section 6: Side, touch, side touch, hinge turn, sailor step
1 – 2¼ turn left step left foot to left side, touch right next to left (6:00)
3 – 4Step right foot to right side, touch left next to right
5 – 6¼ turn left step left forward, ¼ turn left step right to right side (12:00)
7&8Step left behind of right, step right small step to right side, step left small step to left side
Section 7: Cross, side, coaster step, step turn ½ right, ½ turn, ½ turn
1 – 2Step right foot across in front of left, step left foot to left side
3&4Step right foot back, step left next to right, step right foot forward
5 – 6Step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn to right step down on right foot (6:00)
7 – 8½ turn right step back in left foot, ½ turn right step forward on right foot (6:00)
Section 8: Rock, recover, together. rock, recover, step back, together, kick-ball-cross
1 – 2&Rock left foot forward, recover on right, step left next to right
3 – 4Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left
5 – 6Step right foot a bit longer step back, step left foot next to right
7&8Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, step left foot across in front of right
Tag: 16 count tag after wall 2
Dance the full section 1, walk, walk, anchor step, 3/8 turn step forward, forward, scissor step
1 – 8Repeat section 1 counts 1-8
9 - 12Repeat section 2 counts 1-4
13 – 14Turn 3/8 left and step left foot forward, step right foot forward
15&16Scissor step: Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left across in front of right foot (you will be facing 12:00 to restart the dance again
Ending: You will be facing 12:00
Dance section 1 without turning, end by doing 7 sway – right, left, right, left, right, left, right
Enjoy the music and the dance!