Intro: 16 - No tags or Restarts
I. Side Rock, Recover, Forward Hold X2
1-2Rock R side, recover to L
3-4Step R forward, hold
5-6Rock L side, recover to R
7&8Step L forward, hold
II. Scissor, Vine Hold
1-3Rock R side, recover to L, step R over
4-5Step L side, step R behind
6-7Step L side, step R over
III. ¼ R Turn, ¼ R Turn; Forward Mambo with Hold
1-2Step L side, making 1/4 turn right step R (3:00)
3-4Step L forward, making ¼ turn right step R (6:00)
5-8Step L forward, recover to R, step L together (or slightly forward), hold
IV. Back Mambo with Hold; Scissor, ¼ L Turn
1-4Step R back, recover to L, step R together (or slightly forward), hold
5-7Rock L side, recover to R, step L over
8Making ¼ turn left, pivot on L (3:00)
Styling for count 8 (1/4 L turn): Keep R touching L to make it easy to begin dance stepping to R side.
ENDING: End at 12:00 after the two ¼ right turns. Just step L forward to pose.
I. Side Rock, Recover, Forward Hold X2
1-2Rock R side, recover to L
3-4Step R forward, hold
5-6Rock L side, recover to R
7&8Step L forward, hold
II. Scissor, Vine Hold
1-3Rock R side, recover to L, step R over
4-5Step L side, step R behind
6-7Step L side, step R over
III. ¼ R Turn, ¼ R Turn; Forward Mambo with Hold
1-2Step L side, making 1/4 turn right step R (3:00)
3-4Step L forward, making ¼ turn right step R (6:00)
5-8Step L forward, recover to R, step L together (or slightly forward), hold
IV. Back Mambo with Hold; Scissor, ¼ L Turn
1-4Step R back, recover to L, step R together (or slightly forward), hold
5-7Rock L side, recover to R, step L over
8Making ¼ turn left, pivot on L (3:00)
Styling for count 8 (1/4 L turn): Keep R touching L to make it easy to begin dance stepping to R side.
ENDING: End at 12:00 after the two ¼ right turns. Just step L forward to pose.