CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gonna Get Burned

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Britt Beresik (USA) & Barbara Tobin (USA) - April 2022
The Fire - Bishop Briggs : (Amazon Digital)
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Restart on Wall 4 after 16 counts, facing [12:00]
Intro: 24 counts (start on lyrics). Weight on R

(1-8) Step sweep forward x2, step, right mambo back with sweep, behind side cross and cross
1,2,3Step L forward sweeping R from back to front, step R forward sweeping L from back to front, step L forward
4&5Rock R forward, recover on L, step R back while sweeping L from front to back
6&7Cross L behind R, step R to right, cross L over R
&8Step R to right, cross L over R (12:00)

(9-16) Tap, 1/4 right turn heel grind, step back x3, step together, rocking chair
&1,2Tap R toe next to L, dig R heel next to L with 1/4 right turn on heel, step L back (3:00)
3,4&Step R back, step L back, close R
5,6,7,8Rock L forward, recover R, rock L back, recover R*
*Optional arms: rock arms (with bent elbows) forward and back following feet. On Wall 4 (before restart), prayer hands up towards ceiling with the lyrics “Pray”
Restart here Wall 4, facing 12:00

(17-24) 1/2 right turn back left shuffle, 1/2 right turn forward lock step with flick, 4 hip presses with swivel making a 1/2 right turn
1&21/4 right turn step L to left, close R, 1/4 right turn step L back (9:00)
3&41/2 right turn step R forward, lock L behind, step R forward while flicking L behind (3:00)
5,6Rock L forward with left hip press forward, recover R back with right hip press back
7,8Swivel 1/2 right turn rock L back with left hip press back, recover R forward with right hip press forward (9:00)

(25-32) 1/2 right turn back left shuffle, 1/2 right turn lock step with flick, stomp forward x2, swivel 1/2 left with claps
1&21/4 right turn step L to left, close R, 1/4 right turn step L back (3:00)
3&41/2 right turn step R forward, lock L behind, step R forward while flicking L behind (9:00)
5,6Stomp L forward, stomp R forward
7,8Keeping feet in place swivel 1/2 left turn (keep weight back on R). While turning, clap on (7) and (8) (3:00)

Ending: Ends on Wall 9 (facing 3:00). Dance through count 16, make a 1/4 left turn (to face 12:00), stomp L to left and punch right fist to ceiling.

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions:
Britt: Barbara:


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