CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Why Wait

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Michael Diven (USA) & Matt Thomson (USA) - March 2022
Why Wait For Summer - Walker Hayes
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Intro: 32 count intro, start dancing on the lyrics

Side Rock, Recover, Syncopated Weave, ¼ Rock, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2Rock out right foot to right side, recover weight back to left
3&4Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross step right over left
5-6Pivot ¼ turn left rocking forward on left foot, recover weight back to right foot
7&8Step left foot back, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot slightly forward

Rock, Recover, Crossing Shuffle Back, ½ Turn, ½ Turn, Coaster Step
1-2Rock forward on right foot, recover weight back to left foot
3&4Step right foot back, cross step left over right, step back on right foot
5Pivot ½ turn left stepping forward on left foot
6Pivot ½ turn left stepping back on right foot
7&8Step left foot back, step right foot next to left foot, step left foot slightly forward
(Beginners: you can take out the full turn on counts 5-6 and just walk back left then right)

Kick-Ball-Point, Kick-Ball-Point, Cross Step, ¼ Turn, ½ Turning Sailor
1&2Kick right foot forward, step right foot next to left foot, point left toe to left side
3&4Kick left foot forward, step left foot next to right, point right toe to right side
5-6Cross step right over left foot, pivot ¼ turn right stepping back on left foot
7&8Step right foot behind left turning ½ turn, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
(Beginners: you can take out the turning sailor and just do a ½ turning shuffle)

Kick, Touch Back, ½ Turn, Kick, Touch Back, ½ Turn, ¼ Turn, Touch
1-2Kick left foot forward, touch left toe back
3-4Pivot ½ turn left (weight on left foot), kick right foot forward
5-6Touch right toe back, pivot ½ turn right (weight on right foot)
7-8Pivot ¼ turn right stepping left foot to left side, touch right toe next to left

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Kick-Ball-Step, Touch, Touch
1&2Kick right foot forward, step right foot to left, step left foot to left side
3Touch right toe next to left instep
4Touch right toe next to left instep



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